KSP Calls Jokowi's Three Important Achievements In Infrastructure Development

JAKARTA - Theofransus Litaay, the Presidential Chief Expert of the Staff Office (KSP) said there were at least three important achievements of President Joko Widodo in infrastructure development. This is the basis for the sustainability of the next national leadership.

"President Jokowi's three important achievements are the success of infrastructure development, both large infrastructure, small infrastructure, and digital infrastructure," Theofransus said in a statement received in Jakarta, Saturday.

He said the achievement was an important legacy or legacy that became a strong basis for the continuation of the next national leadership.

"In eastern Indonesia, the results of infrastructure development are very beneficial," he said.

He said that for President Jokowi, infrastructure is not only related to hardware, but more than that is a matter of humanity and human dignity.

Infrastructure also provides access to education and health as well as economic progress. In addition, digital infrastructure further educates the life of the nation, especially school children and education in general.

"In other words, infrastructure development is part of the development of welfare and the fulfillment of human rights," explained the KSP official.