Can I Eat Immediately After Sports? Yes, As Long As...

YOGYAKARTA Not a few people feel a prone stomach after exercise. This is a natural condition, because the body spends a lot of energy while doing heavy physical exercise. The end of energy will create hunger and there will be a urge to eat something. So, eat immediately after exercise?

Originally, it's okay if you eat food after exercise. The reason is, the body still needs food instead of draining energy. However, you need to give a break of about 30-60 minutes. Eating heavy food after exercise is not recommended because it will make your stomach'surprised'.

You don't have to worry, the exercise you do is in vain. When you exercise, your body has burned calories from energy reserves (glicogen) in fats and muscles.

Well, after finishing exercising, the body will try to rebuild glycogen deposits in the newly used new muscle.

Eating nutritious food after exercise will help speed up the process of building glycogen in muscles.

Therefore, eating food after exercise is important to meet the body's needs in replacing energy that has previously been drained. In fact, eating food after training can help prevent muscle pain and cramps.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition also suggests that a person consumes carbohydrates and protein in small portions every 3-4 hours after exercise.

Good Types Of Food Consumed After Sports

It has been mentioned above that eating food after exercise is allowed, as long as you give a pause of about 30-60 minutes so that your stomach doesn't get'surprised'. However, not all food can be consumed after exercise.

Related to this, you are advised to eat foods with balanced nutrition between carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Here are examples:

Avoid eating high fatty foods after exercise. This type of food can make the stomach work too hard after exercising.

If you feel dizzy and weak after exercise, eating sweet sap or fruit with natural sugar can help restore energy quickly.

Don't forget to meet the water needs before, during, and after exercise. Not drinking enough water will have a major impact on the physical exercise you run

Based on research conducted by the American College of Sport Medicine (2007), during exercise the body will lose a lot of fluids. Refilling water in the body after exercise can help recover and replace lost fluids after exercise.

That's the information about me eating immediately after exercising. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.