Pertamina EP Adera Field Adds 729 BOPD Oil Production From ABB 140 Well

JAKARTA - Pertamina EP (PEP) Adera Field has succeeded in increasing oil production by 729 barrels per day (BOPD) from drilling the ABB 140 development well in Prambatan Village, Abab District, PALI Regency, South Sumatra.

Senior Manager of Sub Surface Development & Planning (SSDP) Zone 4, Giyatno explained, Sumur ABB 140 was taxed on September 22, 2023 using the PDSI#05.2/OW760-M rig and completed on October 12, 2023 or for 21 days, faster than the original plan of 26 days.

Drilling this well is carried out up to a depth of 1,880 mMD in the Talang Akar layer with an investment cost of USD 3.1 million, or 76 percent of the USD 4.1 million budget.

The last thickening in Abab's structure was carried out in 1986, namely the ABB-137 well. After 35 years, drilling to the northeast was carried out and thank God it got good results. In addition, in 2023 a seismic survey of Abab has also been completed covering an area of 200 square km, thus opening up the potential for further field development," said Giyatno in a statement received by VOI, Friday, October 20.

General Manager of Zone 4, Djudjuwanto, said that the PHR Regional Sumatra Zone 4 is committed to continuing to strive for increased oil and gas production in the South Sumatra region, including through a massive and efficient drilling program and by continuing to collaborate in harmony with stakeholders.

"This success is inseparable from efforts to harmonize the company's operations and support of all parties, both relevant stakeholders and the community around the operation. We are very grateful for the support provided so that Pertamina can operate smoothly and help maintain national energy security," said Djudju.

Head of the SKK Migas Representative for the Southern Sumatra Region (Sumbagsel), Anggono Mahendrawan expressed his highest appreciation for the success of the PHR Regional Sumatra Zone-4 which managed to get additional crude oil production.

"We congratulate the PHR Regional Sumatra Zone-4 for the success that has been achieved. We hope that massive and aggressive steps in drilling development wells, exploration wells and seismic activities carried out by the PHR Regional Sumatra Zone-4 will continue to be improved so that it will make even greater contribution to increasing national oil and gas production," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sumatra SKK Migas Operations Department, Bambang Dwi Djanuarto, said the additional oil production of 729 barrels per day for the country was very meaningful.

"Just one barrel is very important for Indonesia today, especially with the success of PEP Adera Field drilling which managed to find oil in Abab's structure of 729 barrels of oil per day, which is extraordinary!" said Bambang.

On the same occasion, Bambang also appreciated the Pertamina exploration team for the success of completing the 3D Abab seismic survey which has reached 100 percent.