Britney Spears Lover, Sam Asghari Opens Voice About The Conservatory

JAKARTA - The documentary Framing Britney Spears, released by the New York Times last week, shocked the public. It's not just the diva's career that is controlled but the various perspectives of the media make Britney's name tarnished.

To date, Britney has not yet spoken out about the documentary's release. But her lover, Sam Asghari, spoke up about the documentary and this case.

To People, Ashari said, "I always wish the best for my soulmate and always support him to achieve his dreams and make the future he wants."

The 27-year-old actor thanked fans who always supported Britney Spears and looked forward to a future where the two of them could live a normal life.

Then on Wednesday, Ashari shared an article via Instagram Story.

"Now, it's important that you understand that I have no respect for someone who tries to control our relationship and keeps creating obstacles."

The Family Business player even mentioned someone named Jamie in the upload and fans assumed the Jamie in question was Jamie Spears, Britney's father.

Jamie got the legal right to control Britney's life since 2008 and that fact is related to the romance of Britney and Sam Asghari.

Sam Asghari and Britney Spears first met in the 2016 Slumber Party music video and dated afterwards. The two of them are very secretive about their relationship but on several occasions, Britney and Sam Asghari often share togetherness.