Megawati Appoints Mahfud To Accompany Ganjar To Conduct Legal Reform

Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) Megawati Soekarnoputri chose Mahfud MD as a candidate for vice president (cawapres) to accompany Ganjar Pranowo. Megawati assigned Mahfud to carry out legal reforms.
This was announced by Mega at the PDIP DPP office on Jalan Diponegoro Jakarta, Wednesday, October 18.
"He is the figure we assigned to reform the national legal system to appear the face of true justice. The people have been waiting for this justice for a long time, because of that to all Indonesian people we all ask for their blessing," said Megawati.
According to Mega, the figure of Indonesia's leader must not blind himself to history and the spirit of reform. Leaders must be born from bulging, sturdy on the path of Pancasila and have professional abilities, excel in strategic positions, and have experience at the national level.
"Hopefully it's what I said earlier. That the people can participate in making these two of them to become leaders of the country and nation in the future," added Megawati.
When announcing Mahfud MD as a candidate for vice president, Mega was accompanied by the general chairman of a political party that was part of the coalition formed by PDIP. They are Acting Chairperson of PPP, M Mardiono, Chairman of Perindo Hary Tanoesoedibjo, and General Chairperson of Hanura Oesman Sapta Odang.
Earlier, on Tuesday afternoon, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD visited the residence of PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri in the Teuku Umar area, Central Jakarta. In the photo circulating among journalists, Mahfud is seen wearing batik clothes, while Megawati is seen wearing a pink dress. Both were seen smiling when taking pictures.
Previously, Deputy Chairperson of the Presidential Ganjar National Winning Team (TPN GP), Benny Rhamdani, said that the initials would be vice presidential candidates who would accompany Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 presidential election. He mentioned the name of the vice presidential candidate with the initials M.
"The Initials are M. Who is M? Can Mas Mahfud MD, Can Mas Gibran, Mas Erick Thohir, Mas Andika Perkasa, Mbak Khofifah," said Benny
Benny said the announcement of the name of the candidate for vice president, a companion to Ganjar Pranowo, with the initials M, would be announced. However, Benny could not fully confirm this because the determination and announcement of the prospective vice presidential candidate was in the hands of the general chairmen of the supporting political parties who carried Ganjar Pranowo.