Duh! Cyberpunk 2077 Game Developer Server Hit By Ransomware Attack

JAKARTA - Cyberpunk 2077 game developer, CD Projekt RED has fallen victim to a ransomware attack. It was not clear which hacker group was responsible for this cyber attack.

However, through its official statement, CD Projekt Red confirmed that it would not fulfill any ransom requested by the hackers. CD Projekt RED has also coordinated with security forces regarding this case.

CD Projekt said the attack compromised several of its internal systems, including source code to Cyberpunk 2077, dealing another blow to the Poland-based business after the game's launch hit by the crash.

"An unidentified actor gained unauthorized access to our internal network, collected certain data belonging to the capital group CD PROJEKT, and left a ransom note," the company said it would not negotiate with the perpetrator, quoted by Reuters, Wednesday, February 10.

CD Projekt is investigating the incident, securing its system, and recovering its data. Chief Executive Adam Kicinski said the attack "will definitely have an impact on the speed with which developments are taking place."

The problematic launch of Cyberpunk 2077 led Sony to withdraw the game from the PlayStation Store in just a week.

Hackers gained access to the source code for a number of games, namely Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3, Gwent, and the "unreleased version of Witcher 3," and threatened to leak the code, according to CD Projekt.

The cyberattack sent the company's shares down 6 percent. Kicinski said none of the personal data of gamers and users of their services were leaked.

Analyst at Trigon DM Kacper Kopron said the incident risks further losing trust from customers in the company following the disappointing premiere of Cyberpunk 2077.

However, CD Projekt, which has worked on a series of fixes for Cyberpunk 2077, said it would not change its plans to release a larger patch for the game this month.