Jasa Marga Targets Completed Japek Flyway Emergency Ladder By The End Of This Month

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk through its business group PT Jasamarga Jalanlayang Cikampek (JJC) which manages the Jakarta-Cikampek II (Elevated) Toll Road, is targeting the construction of eight emergency stairs on the toll road to be completed by the end of this month.

PT JJC has been working on the construction of the eight emergency stairs since January 6, 2020. Currently, it has completed six of the total eight emergency stairs that must be built along the Jakarta-Cikampek II (Elevated) Toll Road.

"We are targeting the construction of all emergency stairs to be completed by the end of February 2020. However, it will only be used in mid-March 2020 because there are still finishing installations of guard rails to protect the stairs above and tidying work below," added Djoko.

The Jakarta-Cikampek II (Elevated) Toll Road will be equipped with eight points of emergency stairs. The eight emergency stairs will be installed in the middle / median of the toll road, not far from the U-Turn area. To be precise, it is located at Km 13 + 200, Km 17 + 200, Km 21 + 500, Km 24 + 800, Km 28 + 300, Km 31 + 900, Km 36 + 700, and Km 38 + 600.

Djoko emphasized that the use of the stairs will only be used for emergency purposes, for example the evacuation of accident victims which is supervised by Jasa Marga toll road service officers. This emergency staircase cannot be used by road users for other purposes such as defecating, eating or resting.

"Technically, road users experiencing an emergency will be directed by officers to descend the emergency stairs to the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, which is under the Jakarta-Cikampek II (Elevated) Toll Road. Later, there will be our officers on standby at the median / middle of the toll road to help road users, "explained Djoko.

Work on the construction of emergency stairs for the Jakarta-Cikampek II (Elevated) Toll Road every day starting on the weekday window time from 22.00 to 05.00 WIB and for window time weekends starting at 20.00 to 06.30 WIB in both directions.

The stages of work at the eight location points started from the construction of the foundation, breaking the parapet / barrier, erection of the emergency staircase structure to making access / closing the emergency stairs. Minor works, such as breaking down parapets / barriers, are carried out situationally depending on traffic conditions.