Pressing The Spread Of COVID-19, Whisnu Sakti Issues SE Chinese New Year Celebration Pattern In Surabaya

SURABAYA - Plt Mayor of Surabaya Whisnu Sakti Buana issued a circular (SE) about the Chinese New Year.

The circular was issued in order to maintain peace and order as well as to increase efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

In the contents of the first point, it is stated that the organizers of places of worship are advised that the Chinese New Year celebrations are guided by the Surabaya Mayor Regulation (Perwali) Number 67 of 2020, as amended by Perwali Number 2 of 2021.

Then on the second point, the heads of sub-districts, village heads, religious leaders, community leaders are encouraged to disseminate information to all residents in their respective areas regarding several matters. Among them, the activities of celebrating Chinese New Year are guided by Article 14 of the Surabaya Perwali Number 67 of 2020.

Prayers are encouraged to use online, and limit the capacity to 50 percent of normal capacity when carried out in places of worship.

"Implementing health protocols by wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands with soap and water and avoiding crowds," Whisnu said in an SE published on Tuesday, February 8.

The third point is that the contents of the circular letter are also stated so that activities to visit each other in the context of friendship are replaced online. "The culture of distributing angpao which is distributed to other members or families should be done by transfer / electronic money (cashless)," he said.

The circular number 443/1160 / 436.8.4 / 2021, Whisnua also appealed to administrators of places of worship and managers of hotels, shopping centers / malls, tourist attractions, apartments and other public areas not to hold parade competitions, shows and / or lion dance attractions.

"As well as other activities in the context of Chinese New Year Celebration of Kongzi Li / 2021 M Chinese New Year which could potentially cause crowds," he said.

But at the same point, which is a continuation of the above item, it is stated that the lion dance attraction is allowed to be carried out as long as it is done virtually. "It will be carried out without an audience / online to prevent the spread of COVID-19," he said.

This circular letter is addressed to several parties. Apart from the sub-district and village heads, letters were also addressed to the heads of RT and RW, administrators of places of worship, religious and community leaders. The same letter is also addressed to managers of hotels, shopping centers / malls, tourist attractions, apartments and other public areas. In addition, the same letter was also sent to several Regional Government Organizations (OPD) of the Surabaya City Government.