Cipali KM 122 Ambles Toll, MTI Alleged Amdal Recommendation Was Not Implemented During Construction

JAKARTA - The Cikampek-Palimanan (Cipali) Toll Road has collapsed and cannot be passed by vehicles on Km 122 + 400 in the direction of Jakarta. The reason is suspected to be due to the recommendation of an environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) when toll road construction was not implemented.

Head of Advocacy and Community Affairs of MTI Pusat Djoko Setijowarno said there are two things that must be considered in toll road construction, namely the carrying capacity of construction and the carrying capacity of the surrounding environment.

Djoko suspected that during the construction of the Cipali Toll Road, the AMDAL recommendation was not implemented. Thus, the cause of the severe subsidence of the toll road could be due to neglect of the environmental carrying capacity.

"So, I suspect that AMDAL has never been carried out. It means that we are not talking about the carrying capacity of road construction. But also talking about the carrying capacity of the environment. How is the surrounding environment? Is it supported or not? We have to open the AMNDAL document. We should have opened the AMNDAL document first. "Look at the recommendations. I'm sure it wasn't done," he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 9.

According to him, the construction of the Cipali Toll Road only pays attention to its construction. Meanwhile, the AMDAL recommendation was not heeded. In fact, the recommendation could explain what should be done before building a toll road.

"Maybe there are AMDAL recommendations that have not been implemented that way. So this is an environmental issue. Don't just talk about construction. What is the carrying capacity of the environment," he said.

Djoko's allegations are reinforced by the fact that the Cipali Toll Road has also collapsed due to flooding in 2016. The point is located at kilometer 79, precisely in the area of Kampung Citenjo, Cimahi Village, Campaka District, Purwakarta, West Java. At this point the shoulder of the toll road collapsed along five meters with a depth of more than 10 meters.

"In 2016. It was also flooded in 2016. There have been several floods in Cipali. Only the point is different. It is not as bad as it is today. So it is possible that at the time it was built, the AMDAL study was not seen. No one was watching, try asking the PUPR Ministry," he said. .

Astra Tol Cipali as the manager of the Cipali Toll Road finally closed the roads leading to Jakarta and imposed a contraflow starting from Km 117 to Km 126. As a result, the toll road subsided and could not be passed by vehicles on Km 122 + 400 in the direction of Jakarta.

Coordination with the police has also been carried out by conducting contraflow since February 9, 2021 at 01.00 WIB.

Repair of subsidence roads will take about two weeks. To reduce the traffic load, an emergency lane was built in the median, estimated to take three days.