Boosting Tourism, IDR 72 Billion Incentives Turns Out Not Just For Influencers

JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusubandio explained about the IDR 72 billion fund intended for influencers to ward off the economic downturn due to the impact of the spread of the new type of corona virus (COVID-19).

"This Rp72 billion is not for influencers alone, there are many promotional components, so Rp72 billion is for promotion, introduction to tourist destinations, and one of them is influencers," Wishnutama said at the Presidential Palace, quoted on Thursday, February 27.

On Tuesday 26 February, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto explained that out of a total fiscal incentive of around Rp. 10 trillion, there is a promotional budget of Rp. 103 billion, tourism activities of Rp. 25 billion and influencers of Rp. 72 billion.

"But I haven't calculated the exact budget for influencers because we have to ask the influencers, right, for example, if we choose from America, we are looking for 'American influencers', how come we want to influence the American 'market', but use influencers from Indonesia? influence, "said Wishnutama.

The influencer selection will also be done by looking at the extent of their "engagement" on social media, viewers on YouTube channels or Instagram accounts.

"Well, the best is, we will approach it, but we must first calculate the cost," added Wishnutama.

The influencer is planned not only to come from the United States but also from Europe, Australia, the Middle East, India and other countries.

"Right now we are still waiting from the Ministry of Finance for the budget, then we are planning which influencers we want to invite. The Rp72 billion budget includes travel agent cooperation, joint promotion, travel operators as well. So this is not just Indonesia and this is big. in the shortest possible time, to grab the attention of the world market, "said Wishnutama.

Previously, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the government had provided an incentive of IDR 298.5 billion to save tourism from the COVID-19 outbreak, while to encourage domestic tourists, the government provided incentives for airlines of IDR 443.39 billion. The facility is provided in the form of a 30 percent discount for 25 percent of seats per plane to ten tourist destinations.

The tourist destinations in question are Lake Toba, Yogyakarta, Malang, Manado, Bali, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, Bangka Belitung, Batam and Bintan. The government also will not collect hotel and restaurant taxes in the 10 destinations for six months. In exchange, the government will provide compensation to local governments in the form of grants of around Rp. 3.3 trillion.