The Head Of The NTB Agriculture Office Is Suspected Of Corn Corruption

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara High Prosecutor's Office for Special Crimes have appointed the Head of the NTB Agriculture and Plantation Service (Kadistanbun) Husnul Fauzi as a suspect in a corruption case in the procurement of corn seeds for the 2017 fiscal year.

Assistant for Special Crimes (Aspidsus) at the Attorney General's Office of West Nusa Tenggara Gunawan Wibisono said Husnul Fauzi as the power user of the budget (KPA) was suspected of having intervened in the goods and services procurement service unit (ULP).

"Unlawfully, the suspect HF Engineer (Husnul Fauzi) has committed an act that affects the procurement service unit in a direct appointment which he should not have done," said Gunawan as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 9.

The suspect Husnul Fauzi, he said, did this in the early stages of procurement activities. The alleged actions, continued Gunawan, had an impact on the tasks and functions of the project commitment maker (PPK) official with the initials IWW who was also named a suspect.

"IWW, in its role as PPK, did not carefully carry out its duties according to the procurement mechanism. But with the blessing of the HF suspect, IWW carried out its duties without paying attention to the procurement mechanism," he said.

In the mechanism, Gunawan continued, the corn seed commodity must meet the standard certificate officially issued by the NTB Agricultural Seed Supervision and Certification Center (BPSB-P).

"However, from collecting data and facts from evidence, it was found that most of the corn seeds were not certified," he added.

Apart from revealing the role of suspects from the government circles, suspects from the procurement project implementers were also named.

"They have the initials LIH as the director of PT. WBS and AP as the director of PT. SAM," he said.

For the two suspects from the private sector, he explained, they were suspected of not having followed the existing provisions in the procurement mechanism, namely distributing certified corn seeds.

"So that the corn seeds they receive (from the producers in East Java), they immediately hand over to the farmers, which in fact cannot be planted and cause the farmers to suffer losses," said Gunawan.

Therefore, Gunawan assured that in this case there had been state losses. However, regarding the value of the loss, the AGO is still waiting for the results of the calculation by the auditor team.

"Meanwhile, we are still coordinating with the auditors. However, we are confident that in the near future what is being audited will be progress (the value of state losses)," said Gunawan.

This was confirmed based on the findings of the investigator's self-counting process. From PT. WBS, found a loss of around Rp. 7 billion. Meanwhile from PT. SAM, the resulting loss reached IDR8.45 billion.

"This is our calculation for the time being. This material is what we also coordinate with the auditors," he said.

The four suspects are subject to Article 2 Paragraph 1 Juncto Article 18 of the Law on the Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and or Article 3 Jo Article 18 of the Law on Eradicating Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code