Corruption Eradication Commission Investigates The Decision Of The Pinangki Prosecutor, Including The Mysterious King Maker

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said that his party would study the decision handed down by the Central Jakarta District Court against Attorney Pinangki or Pinangki Sirna Malasari.

This was done before his agency uncovered who the 'King Maker' was, who was mentioned in court but whose figure was unknown.

"Of course we will study it first because we did not handle the case considering all of it was revealed at the trial for the Pinangki case," Ghufron told reporters at the KPK Red and White House, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, February 9.

Furthermore, he also said that his institution still has the opportunity to carry out supervision in the case that ensnared the Pinangki Prosecutor. However, this can only be done when there is evidence and other supporting witnesses.

"If it turns out that there are other allegations of corruption that have not been disclosed, of course we are very open. But we will all wait for the results of the verdict," he said.

As previously reported, the panel of judges stated that the figure of 'King Maker' in the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa handling case was indeed true. But during the trial his figure was not revealed.

"Considering that based on electronic evidence in the form of chat communication using the WA application whose content was confirmed by the defendant, witness Anita Kolopaking, and witness Rahmat's testimony, it has been proven true that the figure of King Maker is," said the presiding judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 8th

The figure of the 'King Maker' was not revealed. Although, during the trial process, the panel of judges tried to extract information from the suspect or witnesses.

So far, it has only been revealed that the figure of 'King Maker' was discussed by Pinangki when he met Joko Tjandra, Anita Kolopaking, and Rahmat.

"The panel of judges has tried to find out who the 'King Maker' figure is by asking the defendant and witness Anita because they were discussed in the chat and mentioned by the defendant at a meeting attended by the defendant, witness Anita, witness Rahmat, and witness Djoko Tjandra in November 2020 but still was not revealed at the trial, "he said.

The figure of 'King Maker' is closely related to action plans. This is because he was the initiator so that Joko Tjandra would not be executed in the Bank Bali collection rights or cessie corruption case.