When To Change The Motor Air Filter: Don't Underestimate If You Don't Want To Regret It Later!

YOGYAKARTA - Motorcycle air filters often escape attention even though they are very dirty. Meanwhile, engine power is produced because of burning assisted by air. The type of air used needs to be filtered first, so that the air that enters the fuel room can be free of dust and dirt. So, when do you think you have to change the air filter for the motor?

Like a body, the engine of the vehicle is part of the heart and air filter is the lungs. What happens if the filter is left dirty, in fact, it will interfere with the performance of other organs. What is certain is that we don't want to happen to our motorbikes, right?

Therefore, not only does air sieves clean need to be replaced regularly. If left unchecked, then air consumption to the engine decreases and combustion becomes not optimal. Age using air filters in motorcycle owners' guidebooks is usually around 16,000 km. However, what characteristics need to be known so that we can swiftly change the air filter of the motorbike?

Fuel Waste

Consumption of motorcycle gasoline is more than common, namely the characteristic of something wrong. Air filters contribute to fuel efficiency, dirty filters can limit the flow of oxygen. In order to always run, machines are required to burn more gasoline to overcome the lack of oxygen entering.

Unsmooth Engine Sounds

An engine that has a good oxygen flow will speak smoothly. If when the motorbike is turned on and a vibration or loud sound appears from the engine, it could be that this matter is triggered by the state of a bad air filter.

The main trigger for this problem is the dirty busy triggered by the delay in air flow. If indeed the filter must be replaced, you should also check the busy condition. Changing these 2 parts will make the engine sound smoother.

The Look That Has Been Dirty And Blackning

When before identifying the characteristics of deeper damage, it is very easy to see from the appearance of dirty air filters. Protected or replaced air filters have a clean appearance, no dust is attached and is not in the form of brown or dark.

A visual check can be an unfavorable affirmation of filter conditions. Always check filters under bright light. If contaminants appear such as dust and sand, then it is time for the filter to be cleaned.

Exhausts Black Smoke

When oxygen is difficult to reach the engine, gasoline will not burn with the appropriate ratio. This can stimulate gas seeps and exit through the exhaust. You could also hear the sound of an explosion because gasoline is burned through the hot exhaust and black smoke appears.

This problem triggers fuel waste and various other dangers for both motorbikes and the environment. Make sure to check the air filter when unusual smoke comes out of the exhaust.

So after knowing when to change the motor air filter, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!