Erick Thohir's Plans For Three Troubled Red Plate Companies

JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir revealed several business development and rescue schemes that have been carried out and will be carried out by the BUMN Ministry. That, said Erick, was devoted to the three state-owned companies that had problems recently.

As is well known, having only served for five months as BUMN minister Erick Thohir has been faced with various problems that have occurred in state-owned companies. Starting from the Jiwasraya default case, the stagnation of Pertamina's refinery construction, to the smuggling of Harley Davidson by the President Director of Garuda Indonesia.

1. PT Asuransi Jiwasraya

Erick said that in resolving the company's default case, his party had coordinated with the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Services Authority (OJK), and the House of Representatives (DPR) in this case Panja Jiwasraya.

Then, continued Erick, the Ministry of BUMN also continued to encourage the completion of the formation of insurance and guarantee holding to resolve the problem of default on this policy.

Not only that, the BUMN Ministry also continues to ensure that the Attorney General's Office is the party handling this case to manage the recovery of Jiwasraya's assets. All of these efforts, said Erick, are expected to produce results soon. The fate of Jiwasraya policy holders will also be determined in March.

"We ensure Jiwasraya will pay off its obligations to customers. InshaAllah this March we can start giving something to the public, namely its customers in particular. With the restructuring agreed by all parties so that the legal umbrella is clear," he said, when met at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, SCBD, Jakarta, Wednesday. , 26 February.

Erick also hopes that no more parties will politicize the Jiwasraya case. So far, many parties consider him defeating BUMN. Even so, Erick assured that the legal process will continue in investigating this case.

"We want to do something counterproductive with Jiwasraya. This is precisely what must be our responsibility, Jiwasraya is a depravity that we must stop, for robbing pensioners," he explained.

2. PT Pertamina

The government through the Ministry of BUMN has encouraged PT Pertamina to complete the financial restructuring of Tuban Petro and PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indonesia (TPPI). This has been accompanied by accelerated implementation of the mandate of 30 percent biodiesel or B30 and accelerated development of refineries.

Not only that, said Erick, the Ministry of BUMN is also encouraging Pertamina to consolidate its subsidiaries to make it more efficient. The goal of Pertamina is to suppress imports of fuel oil (BBM).

Erick said the BUMN Ministry also ensures that Pertamina will carry out transparency via online in the procurement of crude oil and fuel and gas. In addition, the government will also encourage the increase in the SPBU digitization program.

In addition, the BUMN Ministry has also encouraged Pertamina to enter the electric car market. Erick said this plan would be initiated in collaboration with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero), PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum.

"Innovation and technology balance. I don't want each BUMN to create technology that ends up stalled, why not put it together? As before, we had a meeting between Telkom, PLN, Inalum, Pertamina. Sit together, look for the best technology, that's what we invest. "he said.

3. Garuda Indonesia

Erick said that his party had fired the directors involved in smuggling Harley Davidson to the country. This was done to save the state-owned company. Not only that, an overhaul of the board of directors and commissioners of Garuda Indonesia has also been carried out.

The government, said Erick, is currently working on an action plan to develop PT Garuda Indonesia. One of them is debt restructuring. This will also be followed by plans for downsizing the structure of the company's children and grandchildren and re-establishing a healthy business model for the company.

"We do all these efficiencies, and ensure a healthy business remodeling for Garuda. Currently, Garuda is under tremendous pressure because its debt is due. But we make sure we will restructure, there will be a way out to make it healthy," he concluded.