How MSMEs Enter The Global Market: Here Are Some Methods

YOGYAKARTA - Currently, the opportunity for overseas markets is very wide. However, for MSMEs, it is definitely not as easy as imagined. Then, how do MSMEs penetrate the global market? With tight competition, you must definitely optimize your business strategy.

You are not only obliged to pay attention to product quality problems, but also prices, to delivery methods so that the products you have can reach the hands of foreign buyers safely.

Here are some steps that you can take in order to penetrate the export market, among others:

Have a Website

One of the methods of MSMEs through the export market is to have a web. By having a web, you can show objects or services that you want to offer to foreign markets.

Not only that, by having a web, consumer confidence will continue to grow. The current website is a crucial issue. Not only the web, you can also create business accounts in all social media.

Use all type accounts to spread your product advertisements starting from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others. You can also create a Linkedin account with a professional look.

Diligently Joining Exhibitions

Currently, the government is aggressively opening the export market. One of the keys to successful marketing that you can do is actively exploring exhibitions at national and international events.

Make no mistake, exploring exhibitions, brands and brands can be better known by residents. So it will be easier for you to penetrate the international market.

Routinely Hold Contacts With Buyers

Another MSME business strategy is to regularly make contact with buyers. When you have obtained one or 2 consumers from abroad, you can regularly carry out contact with them.

You can ask whether they will reorder, or carry out a joint contract agreement so that they will continue to carry out the purchase of your products continuously.

Of course, if you hold a cooperation agreement, you must be willing to give several discounts. However, if the number of orders they do is quite large and are tried continuously, surely this matter will share profits for you.

Maximize Digital Marketing

In a digital era like today, even as MSMEs, you must always optimize digital marketing. Moreover, if you have decent capital, you can collaborate with digital marketing agency.

With tight competition, currently there are quite a lot of digital marketing agencies that share competitive prices, especially when it can be adjusted to the budget you have. So, you can focus more on improving your business, and handing over marketing problems to those who have experience.

Be Obliged In Passing Every Process

UMKM Tips through the last export market are to be patient through the process. The process of reaching foreign markets is not an easy matter. Therefore, you must be patient in going through each of these processes.

The challenge of penetrating foreign markets is not an easy matter. Starting from the price offered, not a few Indonesian MSMEs offer less competitive prices, because the buyers they have are foreign buyers.

Not only that, the product data provided is also not detailed, so buyers from abroad don't believe the goods they want to buy. Therefore, apply the MSME guide through the export market above. If you succeed in penetrating the overseas market, don't forget to help other MSMEs. One of the tricks is to become lender through the Amartha Marketplace Microfinance. Here, you can also get yields of up to 15% flat per year.

So after knowing how MSMEs penetrate the global market, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!