Facts Of 12 Vinegar Variants, Do You Know Their Benefits And Functions?
JAKARTA - Vinegar or popularly known as vinegar is processed by fermentation to get a sour taste. Each type of vinegar is made from different ingredients, but the mother of vinegar is mycoderma aceti.
Mycoderma aceti is a mixture of cellulose and acetic acid bacteria. This substance is most often found in apple cider vinegar. Reported by the Webstaurant Store, vinegar is not dangerous for consumption. Interestingly, vinegar contains healthy prebiotics, B vitamins, and iron.
The reluctance to consume vinegar or vinegar because it is considered to contain alcohol is answered when following the manufacturing process.
The alcohol content from fermented cellulose will turn into acetic acid so that apple cider vinegar is safe for consumption. So, what are the benefits of vinegar?
Various variants of vinegar are known as salad dressings, the benefits of which can increase satiety. For those of you who tend to have high blood sugar, apple cider vinegar can trigger the production of insulin which is responsible for processing glucose in the body.
The name vinegar for vinegar comes from the Old French phrase vin aigre meaning sour wine. Along with the development of innovation and the natural resources available in each region to produce various variants of vinegar, here is the list:
Distilled white vinegarWhite vinegar, distilled or distilled white vinegar is most commonly used in America. The aroma and taste are sharp enough to be the most 'different' compared to the vinegar variants on the list afterwards.
White vinegar is made from distilled seeds and used as a preservative for salad dressings, tomato sauces, and barbecue sauces.
Apple cider vinegarApple cider vinegar or in Indonesian called apple cider vinegar is used to flavor and preserve food. Apple cider vinegar is clear yellowish in color and can be mixed as a salad dressing and marinade.
Balsamic vinegarOriginal Italian balsamic vinegar which is the only vinegar that does not ferment alcohol from cellulose and produces acetic acid. The taste is sweeter and slightly savory obtained from the pressed grapes along with their skin and seeds.
Then stored in oak barrels and let stand for some time. It has wine-like properties, the longer it is stored, the higher the balsamic level and the more expensive it is.
White whine vinegarWhite wine vinegar is known as cooking vinegar. It has a more sour taste than apple cider vinegar and distilled white vinegar. There is a slight sweet taste so it is suitable for mixing in salad dressings or soups.
White wine vinegar is best used for preserving vegetables and cooking mixes, such as meatball broth and pickled mixes.
Red wine vinegarSimilar to white wine vinegar, it is made from grapes but is not as acidic as white wine vinegar. For Mediterranean dishes, this vinegar variant gives off a perfectly soft taste.
Rice vinegarFor Asian cooking, rice vinegar makes it distinctive. Derived from fermented rice which offers a sweeter taste than red and white wine vinegar. Its benefits for your cooking, it can be made into marinade, pickled vegetables, and barbecue sauce.
Malt vinegarIn the processing of chips and fish it is quite familiar with this vinegar, malt vinegar. Barley based and the taste is light yet complex. This vinegar variant is not used for food preservation, but there is nothing wrong with storing it in the kitchen.
Brown rice vinegarDerived from fermented brown rice and has a soft or creamy taste compared to red wine vinegar.
Vinegar champagneMade from champagne, it tastes fresh and fruity. Used to make sauces with a delicate taste.
Sherry vinegarIt is called vinegar with an exotic taste and has a big impact on the taste in one recipe. It's a little spicy and not as sweet as balsamic vinegar. When using it, it is recommended not too much because it has a strong taste.
Black vinegarIt is known as Chinking vinegar which comes from the city of Zhenjiang, eastern China. Chinking offers an umami flavor and is usually paired with dumplings, duck and various dipping sauces typical of Asian dishes.
Raisin vinegarRaisin is known for its raisins which are typical for Middle Eastern cuisines. It is cloudy brown in color and is used to make agrodolce sauces and Turkish dishes.
Of the 12 variants above, which one is stored in your kitchen?