Fresh Fruits Are Healthier Than Juice, Really?

JAKARTA - The notion of juice as a nutritious drink is often the reason why we drink it almost every day. With various variables, the researchers found that fresh fruit was better than juice, even though juice also made from fresh fruit.

Is there anything missing or nutrition decreases after the process of softening apples, kiwis, bananas, oranges, mangoes, and other fresh fruits so that they become a glass of sweet, fresh juice?

The amount of fiber is related to the increase in blood sugar in the body

Fiber is a nutrient that helps the digestive process and is related to all body mechanisms. When you turn fresh fruit into juice, you lose a lot of fiber.

According to Emma Elvis, a senior health advisor at the Diabetes UK social organization, with the loss of fiber, the natural fructose in fruit juices will be absorbed more quickly by the body.

The effect is that a sudden increase in blood sugar causes the pancreas to release more insulin. The goal is to lower blood sugar to a normal level.

As reported by the BBC, in proving the above findings the researchers looked at the health data of 100,000 people. The findings that may underlie your choice to choose healthy food consumption is that consumption of fruit juices is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Eating fresh fruit and juice is beneficial

In another study investigated the relationship between the effects of sugar-containing fructose and the consumption of more calorie foods. The research was conducted by John Sievenpiper, a professor in the University of Toronto's Department of Nutritional Sciences.

This study found that consuming fresh juice and fruit will be beneficial if the calories in the body are not excessive. This means that awareness of the importance of calculating the amount of daily nutrients is needed so that what is consumed is controlled and does not reduce your health level.

The fructose in the juice will be safe for long term consumption

Again, whatever is consumed is conditional, the condition is knowing what needs to be controlled. Even if you consume juice, you need to make sure that it doesn't add sugar and doesn't trigger excessive calorie consumption.

What does this mean, can fruit juice become a substitute for calorie foods? Sievenpiper allows the consumption of fruit or vegetable juices but it should not be done if the juice is consumed to relieve thirst or enjoy a variety of fresh fruits with large portions.

As an important note, in a day the body needs about 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men. If more than that will be a risk to health. This means, based on recommendations from Gail Rees - senior lecturer in human nutrition at the University of Plymouth - in a day 150 milliliters of fruit juice is the safest dose to consume.