Gerindra Responds To Khofifah's Issue Of Becoming Prabowo's Vice Presidential Candidate

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Gerindra Party Ahmad Muzani responded to the issue that East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa appeared as a candidate for vice president (readwapres) to accompany Prabowo in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) contestation.

He said the ulama, leaders of Islamic boarding schools, kiai, and other religious leaders in East Java hoped that Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate (readpres) could choose a couple from among the students.

"They (East Java religious figures) hope that Pak Prabowo can cooperate with his vice president, he is a person from the santri circle, they did not mention names, they did not mention the indications," said Muzani, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, October 7.

He considered the request from religious leaders in East Java as views and thoughts that were intended to jointly build a better Indonesian nation. However, he could not confirm whether what the kiai meant was Khofifah or not.

"I don't know if what is meant by Khofifah Indar Parawansa or other students, because there are a lot of students," he said.

Muzani said Prabowo's relationship with Khofifah was very good. According to him, Khofifah as a governor is very much loved by the people.

"Bu Khofifah is a person whose relationship has been (good) with Pak Prabowo, including with other leaders, is very good, and I think Mrs. Khofifah is currently constantly building her province for even better," he said.

According to Muzani, next week Gerindra will hold a coalition meeting to discuss the format of the winning team consisting of coalition parties and volunteers. Discussions on the reading of the vice president will soon be held with the winning team.

"Reslaws continue to grow, God willing, the coalition will continue to grow, how big the organs are, this extraordinary support can be effective in the victory of Pak Prabowo 2024 to come," he said.