Hanging Arena Of Chirping Birds Competition In Tulungagung Dismissed By COVID-19 Task Force

JAKARTA - The Handling Task Force of Tulungagung Regency, East Java, on Monday dismissed the hanging (gantangan) arena of chirping bird competition located in Bago Village, because it was thought to have caused a crowd in order to prevent the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

"Yes, we have closed it and summoned the committee for holding an event that involved many people without having permits," said Artista Nindya Putra, a member of the Coordinator for Law Enforcement and Discipline of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 in Tulungagung Regency, Artista Nindya Putra in Tulungagung, Monday.

Dismission of the hanging arena of chirping bird competition was carried out while the activity was in progress. The committee was asked to stop the event which was deemed illegal and disturbed the community, because it triggered quite a large crowd of residents.

In addition to the participants who took part in the hanging arena of chirping bird competition, many bird lovers also watched.

The crowd dispersed as soon as the officers asked all the cages containing the chirping birds to be lowered.

He stated that no sanctions had yet been imposed.

Artista or familiarly called Genot said that his party would still examine the chirping bird competition committee, along with a number of witnesses involved, including several participants.

Head of Neighborhood Association (RT) of RT. 3 RW. 4, Neighborhood 3, Bago Village, Dakelan admitted that he had warned against the bird competition.

His party received reports from the public regarding the crowd that occurred from this bird competition.

"Many residents complained. How in this pandemic situation they still continue (the competition event)," he said, adding that this bird competition had been going on since this week.

Moreover, he said, some of the environments near the location of the warehouse have been positive for COVID-19.

His party had warned the committee to dismiss this competition, but it was ignored until he immediately came down to dismiss the competition.

Dakelan said that there were about 150 people gathered during the competition.

It was confirmed separately that the organizer of the singing bird competition, Iman Santoso, argued that the activities were limited to group training.

"There are seven classes, one class only takes 5-7 minutes, depending on the number of training participants. Group training is done regularly every Tuesday and Sunday," said Iman Santoso.