Rampant TV Broadcast Spotlighted By Netizens: From Soap Operas To Jogging On Chairul Tanjung's TV, What Is KPI Doing?

JAKARTA - Recently, television programs have become the spotlight of netizens. Starting from soap operas that carry TikTok can make a mother who is in a coma wake up to TikTok-style dancing which is considered vulgar.

What did the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) do? KPI is certainly not just standing still. Input from loyal television viewers to comments on the timeline is certainly a concern.

Quoted from the press release of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission, KPI decided to impose an administrative sanction with a written warning for the broadcast program "Pagi Pagi Ambyaaarrr" on Trans TV. The variety show genre broadcast program that airs starting at 08.30 WIB was found to have violated the 2012 KPI Broadcasting Code of Conduct and Broadcast Program Standard (P3SPS).

The form of violation is in the form of an attractive and excessive dance scene performed by the host (an Dewi Perssik, Nita Thalia and Nassar) including dancing by highlighting the chest and buttocks, straddling and above the crane height which can be dangerous. Scenes like this were discovered by the Central KPI monitoring team at several “Pagi Pagi Ambyaaarrr” events.

Deputy Chairman of the Central KPI, Mulyo Hadi Purnomo, said such a scene was inappropriate for broadcast. Moreover, the broadcast time should be friendly to children. In addition, it coincides with the children's learning hours or school which is currently taking place from home.

"We think Trans TV does not pay attention to the time and interests of children in broadcasting it. Supposedly, scenes like this need not exist apart from being worthless and useless, there is also an element of sensuality as well as being dangerous. What we are afraid that this will have a bad effect, especially for the children who witness it. At the end of 2020 this program had been evaluated in coaching by the Central KPI. However, until this program was decided there had not been any significant changes, ”explained Mulyo.

Based on the information in the warning letter sent by the Central KPI to Trans TV on Tuesday, January 19. This scene has ignored 8 (eight) articles in the P3SPS KPI. Apart from not paying attention to the protection aspects of children and adolescents, the scene was considered to have heed the norms of decency and decency.

"The content and style of storytelling should be classified as R in the program, and the appearance should be in accordance with the psychological development of adolescents. In addition, the content, although this event is for entertainment, must also contain things that have educational and scientific values, social and cultural values, ethics, aesthetic appreciation, and can foster curiosity among youth about the surrounding environment. There are many kinds of energetic dance that still pay attention to politeness and propriety, ”said Mulyo.

The last one being highlighted on social media is the scene of a girl inviting her father to play TikTok. The goal is to awaken the mother who is in a coma.

For this one, there is no official statement released by KPI. Later, another piece of the soap opera Indosiar showed the father's insistence so that his wife and children complete their assignments before playing TikTok.