Former Commissioner Defeats Jokowi On 'Swimming Makes Pregnant', Here's KPAI's Response

JAKARTA - The State Administrative Court (PTUN) approved Sitti Hikmawatty, a former Commissioner for the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) whose position was removed by President Joko Widodo.

In response to this, the Chairman of KPAI Susanto admitted that he was reluctant to comment further. Because, currently Sitti is no longer the Commissioner of KPAI. He submitted the follow-up to the PTUN decision to the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg).

"Go directly to the Ministry of State Affairs for the follow-up," said Susanto in a short message to VOI, Monday, August 8.

VOI tried to contact the Secretary of the Ministry of State Secretariat Setya Utama to respond to the PTUN decision. However, until now Setya has not responded to this question.

For information, President Jokowi fired Sitti Hikmawati for giving a statement that pregnancy can occur in women while swimming in the pool.

Sitti then filed a lawsuit at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) which was registered on June 17, 2020. Sitti's lawsuit was related to Presidential Decree Number 43 / P of 2020 which dismissed him from his position as a KPAI commissioner.

As a result, on January 7, with ruling number 122 / G / 2020 / PTUN.JKT, PTUN granted Sitti's lawsuit.

In the verdict quoted by VOI, Monday, February 8, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 43 / P of 2020 concerning the Respectful Dismissal of KPAI Members is declared null and void.

"Require the defendant to revoke the decision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 43 / P of 2020 concerning the Disrespectful Dismissal of the Members of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission for the 2017-2022 Period which was set in Jakarta on April 24, 2020 on behalf of DR. Sitti Hikmawatty." This trial was chaired by the chairman of the assembly, Danan Priambada.

Furthermore, still from the contents of the amar, obliging the defendant to rehabilitate and restore the plaintiff's rights in his position, dignity and status as he was as Commissioner of KPAI in 2017-2022 in accordance with the applicable Prevailing Laws.

"To order the defendant to pay all court fees amounting to Rp. 422,000.00 (four hundred and twenty-two thousand rupiah)." thus the verdict.