NTB Provincial Government Affirms Gili Tangkong Not For Sale

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial Government emphasized that the island or Gili Tangkong, which is located in Sekotong Tengah District, West Lombok Regency, is not for sale as is currently being discussed.

"There are no dyke to be sold," said Head of the NTB Communication, Informatics and Statistics (Diskominfotic) Office, I Gede Putu Aryadi in Mataram, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 8.

Currently the NTB Provincial Government is very open and expects the presence of serious investors who want to develop their business in the NTB region. In fact, in the investment-friendly NTB program, local governments are ready to provide a "red carpet" for convenience for investors.

"For example, ease of permits, provision of basic infrastructure and others, thus providing benefits for the community. The ease of investment does not mean selling island assets," he said.

According to Aryadi, NTB does have hundreds of assets on small islands or Gili (Sasak language) which are exotic and attract investors to invest in business, especially in the tourism sector business.

"Lines of charming islands, not only on the island of Lombok, but also on the island of Sumbawa," explained Gede Aryadi.

However, said Aryadi, all investment processes must be carried out in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. In addition, it must provide a real and broad impact for the improvement of the welfare and welfare of the community in a sustainable manner, both now and for future generations.

"So there is no policy of the NTB Provincial Government to sell the islands as mentioned," he said.

He said, currently in Gili Tangkong, tourism business activities have begun to be seen which are managed by the government and local residents. It's all for the sake of boosting the people's economy.

Putu Aryadi shared that the same thing had happened before. Where there is one Nisa (read island) located on the island of Sumbawa which is also sold online. Regarding this issue, it is not clear who bought it because it was not sold.

"It is impossible for the provincial government to sell assets that are clearly designated for regional and community development. Previously, there were also islands in Sumbawa or Nisa that wanted to be sold. Until now, none of them were sold," said Aryadi.

Putu Aryadi thought, maybe what the website meant was not to sell Gili Tangkong, but to attract investors to invest in NTB through Gili Tangkong.

"Maybe the intention is to find investors that there are dyke or beautiful islands in NTB. If they are sold, that is not true," he said.

Gili Tangkong in Sekotong Subdistrict, West Lombok Regency, is suspected of being sold online via the Private Island Online site to investors in companies or individuals.

Until Sunday (7/2) night the website was still active, and Gili Tangkong was listed as a "private land for sale". For those interested, the site provides a learn more page, which includes a column for the prospect's identity, email address, and contact number that can be contacted.

The head of the NTB Maritime and Fisheries Service, Yusron Hadi, admitted that he had not received information that one of the exotic islands on the island of Lombok was traded on one of the leading internet sites.

"If we look at the land area of Gili Tangkong, 28 hectares, if there are 17 acres of advertisement, the land in it is probably sold, not the island," said Yusron.

According to him, if it is related to land, the authority lies in the regency or city, while the 0-12 mile sea area is governed by the authority in the provinces.

"If it is sold or leased, we have yet to get the information. However, the land for small islands is still the management authority in the regency, while the sea area is 0-12 miles in the provincial authority," he said.

But asked whether the land for sale in the Gili Tangkong area belongs to the NTB Provincial Government (Pemprov)?

Yusron said he did not know exactly. However, his party will coordinate first with the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) NTB.

"Now, if we need to coordinate with BPKAD NTB, whether the 17 acre area belongs to the provincial government that was offered to investors or not. Because there is local government land of approximately 7 hectares and 5 hectares of community land there. But what is clear is that we will investigate whether The land offered is in between. Coordination with the West Lombok Regional Government and of course the Cooperation Bureau or BPKAD to ascertain the position of the land in question, "he said.