The Name Of The National Team Captain Amin Is Still Being Discussed, PKS: Immediately Announced And There Is A Surprise
JAKARTA - PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera said the name of the head of the national team to win Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) is still being discussed by political parties who are members of the Change Coalition. He asked for prayers so that the Amin pair national team captain could be announced immediately.
"It's being discussed, hopefully (it will be announced soon). Pray for it soon, because we are a complete partner, the vision and mission for change is strong, the Steel team has been formed, it's just a winning team. Hopefully, it won't take long," said Mardani, Wednesday, October 4.
According to Mardani, the acceleration of the Amin winning team is needed to immediately take charge of introducing Anies-Cak Imin as a pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates to the public.
"Because what we need to do is knock on the door of the community to introduce Amin, what is the difference between other candidates, so that people have a picture of why to choose Amin," said Mardani.
Regarding the captain of the national team from internal political parties or non-political parties, the member of Commission II of the DPR said it could be from both.
"It could be both, what is clear is that the vice presidential candidate agreed, the three political parties agreed," said Mardani.
Similarly, PKB also said that currently the name of the captain of the AMIN national team is still beingdogged.
"It's still being discussed," said PKB DPP chairman Daniel Johan, Tuesday, October 3.
Daniel was also reluctant to divulge the characteristics of the captain of the AMIN national team. According to him, this will be a surprise. "We'll just have to wait for it to be a surprise," he said.