Survey Indicators: Majority Of People Agree Pilkada To Be Held In 2022-2023, Unlike The Government In 2024

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Political Indicators survey institute released survey results regarding public attitudes regarding the implementation of regional head elections (Pilkada) between 2022 and 2023 or 2024.

The result, according to the Executive Director of Political Indicators, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, is that 54.8 percent of the people who choose the elections to be held normally in 2022.

Meanwhile, 31.5 percent of the people who chose regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2024. Then, those who did not know or did not answer were 13.7 percent.

"So, most of them vote when the election runs out. Don't postpone it for 2 years," said Burhanuddin in a virtual presentation on Monday, February 8.

Next, the number of people who choose the elections to be held normally in 2023 is 54.8 percent. 31.5 percent of people who choose regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2024. Then, those who did not know or did not answer were 13.7 percent.

"The attitude of wanting the 2023 and 2024 Pilkada is not much different from the question of the 2022 Pilkada. If the term of office expires in 2023, the election process should be carried out without waiting for 2024," explained Burhanuddin.

That way, the majority of people have a different attitude to the government, which wants regional elections to be held simultaneously in 2023, along with the presidential and legislative elections.

Burhanuddin explained that the reason more people chose the 2017 Pilkada to be continued in 2022 and the 2018 Pilkada to be continued in 2023 was because they did not want their regional leadership to be held by the Acting (Pj) or Acting Officer (Plt) from the ASN Ministry of Home Affairs.

"The reason is because they think that there are acting or officials who are not democratic and determine the lives of many people without going through a democratic process," he said.

For information, this survey was conducted in the period 1 to 3 February 2021. The survey was conducted through telephone interviews with 1,200 respondents who were randomly selected from a sample of respondents in the survey since 2018.

The margin of error for this survey is estimated to be around 2.9 percent and the survey's confidence level is 95 percent.