Narcotics Trap In The Police Body, Kapolsek Tempted Sabu-Sabu

JAKARTA - Drug traps are targeting many groups, including law enforcers who actually take action against this case. That was what was experienced by AKBP Benny Alamsyah. His career will be ruined by the type of methamphetamine drug.

Three months ago, September to be precise, so the beginning of this story. And now, he was caught consuming these illicit goods when he was the Head of the Kebayoran Baru Police, South Jakarta.

"If I'm not mistaken, he (AKBP Benny) also uses (shabu)," said Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Gatot Eddy in Jakarta, Thursday, November 21.

Benny could not escape when officers from the Polda Metro Jaya Professional and Security Affairs (Bid Propam) raided his room. In his room, he found several packages of crystal methamphetamine. Gatot did not elaborate on the whereabouts of the items, but this is an authentic proof.

"We will see the results of his examination, if he crosses the line, of course we will do something criminal later."


Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol, Yusri Yunus, added that from the search, four packages of crystal methamphetamine were found which were used as evidence. This case was also handled by the Metro Jaya Police's Narcotics Research Directorate, apart from being at Bid Propam.

The police are still unable to specify the origin of the shabu-shabu. When asked about the involvement of other people in the case, Yusri answered briefly. "This is still being explored," he said as he left the crowd of reporters.

The snare of drugs at the National Police is nothing new. On Monday 19 November, two personnel from the Nias Police, North Sumatra, were dishonorably discharged for being repeatedly involved in drugs. They, Briptu JAL and Brigadier JVS. This dismissal was led by the Nias Police Chief AKBP Deni Kurniawan.

The decision to dismiss JAL Brigadier and JVS Brigadier was taken because they had repeatedly committed these acts. Even before being dismissed, the two personnel were already on duty under Propam's guidance. Deni said they had been commemorated twice and served their sentences twice. This dismissal verdict is the last.

Disrespectful dismissal (PTDH) of the two personnel was based on the decision of the North Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Agus Andrianto. They were declared to have violated the Chief of Police Regulation No. 14 of 2001 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics for the Police and Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a Government Regulation No. 1 of 2003 concerning Dismissal of Polri Members.