Central Java Police Thwarts Efforts To Abuse 10 Tons Of Subsidized Fertilizer
The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Java Police thwarted efforts to abuse the distribution of subsidized fertilizers. The arrests began with police suspicion when they saw a truck carrying 10 tons of subsidized fertilizer while crossing the Kalikangkung Toll Gate. "The truck was transporting subsidized fertilizers from Tegal to Blora and Bojonegoro, Transport and its distribution were strongly suspected that it was not in accordance with its designation," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Pol. Satake Bayu Setianto, through a written statement, Sunday, October 1. When secured, it was found that the cargo was 200 sacks (50 kg per sack) of subsidy fertilizers of the UREA and PONSKA-type government. The truck driver admitted that he was given orders by a person with the initial C to send the cargo without any valid documents. "From the driver's confession, similar cargo was also sent to Getas and Bangklean at the request of another person with the initials N," he added. Furthermore, the truck and its cargo were secured to the Central Java Police Ditreskrimsus Mako. Sukun Raya Banyumanik for further processing.
It was revealed that law enforcement is a form of guarantee and protection for farmers so that the use of subsidized fertilizers can be right on target. His party also invites the public to participate in supervising the distribution and use of subsidized fertilizers for farmers so that their designation is correct. "All forms of abuse, either distribution or use of subsidized fertilizers that result in loss of farmers and state losses, we will take firm action," he said. For the actions of the perpetrators who traded subsidized fertilizers outside of the designation and their responsibilities would be charged with Article 34 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 23 paragraph (2) and/or Article 34 paragraph (3) Jo Article 23 paragraph (3) Permendag Number 04 of 2023 concerning the procurement and distribution of subsidized fertilizers for the agricultural sector Jo Article 2 of Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Presidential Decree Number 77 of 2005 concerning the determination of subsidized fertilizers as goods under the supervision of Jo Article 4 and Article 8 of Perpu Number 8 of 1962 concerning the Trade of goods in the supervision of Jo Article 6 paragraph (1) letter d Jo Article 1 sub 3e of the Emergency Law Number 7 of 1955 concerning Investigation, Prosecution and Court of economic crimes.