3 Youths From Sumba Perpetrators Of Rape Of Women In Bali Arrested

DENPASAR - Denpasar Police, Bali, arrested three perpetrators of rape. The victim was raped at his boarding house in South Kuta.
The three perpetrators are Adenindo Ndaku Larak alias Nando (21) Evandi Nggodu Liwar alias Evan (20) and Irian Keba Ndiata alias Geji (21).
The three perpetrators came from Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) determined to rape a woman with the initials IAP (24) who also came from Sumba, NTT, in her boarding house in the South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali.
"Today we succeeded in uncovering a criminal case of rape that occurred in the South Kuta area," said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, Friday, September 29.
The arrests were made after the victim reported to the Denpasar Police. Victims and perpetrators Nando know each other. Nando invited 2 other perpetrators to the victim's boarding house.
"The condition is, from the results of the information to the perpetrators, we are not drunk, but we are still conducting an examination. Between Nando and the victim, we will deepen the incident again," said Kombes Bambang.
The perpetrator was charged with Article 285 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 12 years in prison.