BNNP Kaltara Names 3 Suspects In The 15.3 Kilogram Methamphetamine Case

TANJUNG SELOR - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of North Kalimantan (Kaltara), named 4 suspects from seven suspected perpetrators who were arrested from the case of smuggling 15.3 kilograms (Kg) of methamphetamine.

The arrests were made by a joint team from the BNNP Kaltara, Lantamal XIII Tarakan and Tarakan Customs in the waters of the island of Keciak, Bulungan Regency on September 21.

"The four suspects are the captain of the Tomaissi 257 wooden ship with the initials MG (47) and the three perpetrators who were arrested at the Banua Tangah Guci speedboat, namely TH (27), SR (31) and ZM (31)," he said.

Head of BNNP Kaltara Brigadier General Rudi Hartono, Friday, September 29.

From the results of the investigation and case title carried out by the Kaltara BNNP investigators, three other suspected perpetrators namely PJ (43), SH (34) and SD (37) did not have a role because they were only invited by the captain of the 257 Tomaissi wooden boat to go fishing.

"The three people did not know about the delivery of the 15.3 kg methamphetamine and did not have a role so they were released," he explained.

Three suspects in the speedboat played a role in picking up methamphetamine from Tawau and packing it into bags. The captain of the Tomaissi 257 ship was planned to hand over the methamphetamine.

"The plan is that after the methamphetamine is handed over to Tomaissi 257, the methamphetamine will be taken to Majene Regency, West Sulawesi (Sulbar)," explained Rudi.

From the results of the examination of the suspects, they admitted that this was the first time they would send the illicit goods.

"They are only couriers and are lured with a large wage from the owner of the methamphetamine," he said.