Review Of The Cannabis Tree Story Book - Narrative Of The Benefits Of The Tree Of Life

JAKARTA - The stigma of marijuana is still black. Indonesian society is still trapped in the thought that marijuana is a waste that can destroy the nation's generation. Pity. Semiris is the attitude of the authority to criminalize marijuana as a narcotics category. The Cannabis Tree Story is a serious match for that outdated idea. A narrative about the benefits of marijuana in many aspects of life.

Compiled by a non-profit organization that focuses on encouraging the use of cannabis, Lingkar Ganja Nusantara (LGN), Hikayat Pohon Ganja is the first and most comprehensive book to provide an objective review of marijuana in Indonesia. In this book, LGN presents various facts and data related to the use of the cannabis plant.

The Cannabis Tree Story contains basic information to introduce the reader to the five finger plant. About medical marijuana, the cannabis civilization in the world, to the cannabis culture of the archipelago, namely about how Indonesians in various regions have used marijuana from generation to generation for various aspects of life.

Apart from that, there are various other topics that are raised in the book. For example, how can marijuana be a plant to save the world or how marijuana is in the international political economy system. However, we selected the three most interesting rounds to describe.

First round

First Act, introduction to marijuana. In this stage, cannabis is considered the tree of life. This is all because of the legends that have been passed down from generation to generation to the world, in the form of cannabis as a plant which in various stories of society and mythology is said to be closely involved in evolution, the course of civilization, and the achievement of human technology.

Although now marijuana is often associated with negative things, in fact, in the past, cannabis was actually seen as a multipurpose plant, aka it can be used for any purpose. For example, marijuana can be used as a source of clothing, food, shelter, medicine, and even cheap energy.

For the rest, this chapter tells a full story about the history of the naming of marijuana, about how this plant was discovered around 3000 BC. This fact was found on clay tablets written in nails by the Sumerians.

"At that time, the Sumerian words such as" a-zal-la "(spinning plant)," sa-mi-ni-is-sa-ti "," har-mu-um "," gur- gur-rum ”(rope) and“ gan-zi-gun-na ”(spinning soul thief) refer to one type of plant, namely marijuana,” written on page 4.

Second round

The second is the chapter that explains the cannabis civilization in the world. Of all the contents of the book, this is the most interesting part because it contains the fact that the cannabis civilization in the world began to develop thousands of years ago.

The fact that marijuana is not only used for fun is reviewed in depth here. This chapter explains how marijuana is used as a ritual support, a medicinal ingredient, and even a power enhancer in various parts of the world such as China, Persia, India, Japan, Greece, Rome, and many more.

In mainland China, for example. Two botanists, Richard Schultes and Alber Hoffman, explained that hemp has been grown in mainland China since 8,500 years ago.

The proof, "there are several kinds of names in China for the cannabis plant," da ma "(large marijuana)," huo ma "(fire marijuana)," xian ma "(line marijuana)," huang ma "(yellow marijuana), while Marijuana seeds are called "ma zi" or "huo ma ren" (fire cannabis seeds), while the female cannabis plant is called "ma fen" (fragrant marijuana). " written on page 21.

The third round

Lastly, about medical marijuana. The development of marijuana use in medical terms is certainly a highlight in this round. Various facts from various journals have also been published to support the opinion that the cannabis plant can be used to treat disease.

List of diseases listed are Alzheimer's, glaucoma, arthritis, urinary problems, and so on. This proves the notion of both lay users and experts who consider the use of marijuana to 'only' cause someone to be lazy or lose motivation.

In fact, "a comprehensive 1976 study in Jamaica of marijuana use suggested that for energy, cannabis was consumed in the morning, during breaks in the middle of a work routine, or right before doing some strenuous work," writes on the page. 175.

A criticism

Overall, reading this book is mandatory. Mandatory because this book is the only book that extensively reviews marijuana in Indonesia. Mandatory, because this book provides many interesting facts regarding the use of marijuana in various parts of the world. And mandatory because marijuana can potentially be the answer to cure various diseases.

However, the name is a work, of course there are flaws. If traced, the shortcomings can even be seen from the lack of developmental content regarding the extent of the existence of marijuana in the archipelago, how its history, culture, or about those who use marijuana as well as its purpose.

It seems that the compilation team was so serious about working on the book by offering one by one facts from around the world regarding the use of cannabis, until it forgot about the development of the tree of life in its own country, Indonesia.

In addition, in the last presentation there are various comments that tend to support the existence of marijuana to be immediately used by policy makers. All those who gave good comments to Pandji Pragiwaksono (Comedian), to Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat (Akedisi) has one voice, namely support.

It seems that the owner of the book forgot that in order to strengthen the narrative of support, at least show those with different thoughts. Or maybe those who refuse don't even exist? I have no idea.


Book Title: Cannabis Tree Story

Author: LGN Team

First Published: November 2011

Publisher: Association of Indonesian Cannabis Circle

Number of Pages: 350