Jakarta Floods, Which Are The Responsibility Of The Provincial And Central Governments

JAKARTA - The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, said that to solve the flood problem in the State Capital, everyone is responsible for both the Central and Provincial Governments.

"Do not differentiate the authorities because this is the capital of the country, everyone is responsible. The important thing is that there is no duplication of work. This is the old one. I have been in PU since the head of the section, the head of the section, the head of the subdit, the director, the Director General of SDA, so I know all the Head of the Provincial SDA Service. When they meet in the field, they will definitely be in Manggarai at 2 pm, 6 am. I will definitely find you if it is raining like this, ”said the Minister of PUPR, quoted from the Secretariat's website, Wednesday, February 26.

The commitment, according to the Minister of PUPR, is not to duplicate it so whichever pump comes first, because this is the nation's capital. "That's an authority, it's just for systematics, but if there is a flood emergency, we all have to be responsible," he said.

Furthermore, the Minister of PUPR said that the condition of the river, last Tuesday, February 25, was only on standby status 2 at Manggarai and Karet Water Gates, the others were still 4 and 3.

"So the conclusion is that the drainage capacity may be smaller than the volume of water, the intensity of the rain," he added.

The Ministry of PUPR, according to Basuki, is currently making a pump in Sentiong, so the Ancol pump downstream is open now so that when the tide comes in here, Kali Item is now flooded.

"Well, we will make it later, it's already auctioned now, we are building a door so that when water comes in, we pump it so that sea water no longer can enter. "Hopefully it will be completed next year because the pump is huge, I forgot the capacity but it is a large flood pump, almost Rp. 600 billion in construction costs," he added.

For those in Kemayoran, according to the Minister of PUPR, all drainage systems have been reviewed, including the capacity for the Kemayoran Embung has been increased.

"That's why now the underpass is slightly reduced, 2.4 meters thick, because some of them can enter the Kemayoran Embung and then we pump it. I think what we need to touch now is that the drainage capacity must be cleaned, at least everything must be cleaned, ”said the PUPR Minister.

In addition, according to the Minister of PUPR, more mobile pumps are now being prepared. "I think. I'm already with Pak Erick, the Minister of BUMN, I asked the BUMN Karya to buy mobile pumps, as their assets, but at this time we will use them together, "he said.

According to the PUPR Minister, all of these pumps will be handed over to the Governor as a national road so that they can be managed in one hand.

"The pumps that are being worked on by the APBN include 104 pump systems, Pluit, Ancol, Melati, Karet, all of them are APBN, we will submit them so that they are managed. That's why we don't want to wake up again at Kali Item, no problem, "he added.

Bekasi Floods

Meanwhile, regarding the Bekasi flood, the Minister of PUPR said that the system has not been touched on, but from that position there are the Cileungsi River and Cikeas River in the upstream area of Bekasi River.

"So this is it. This is the Cikeas River, the Cileungsi River, entering Bekasi, then the Bekasi Dam, directly upstream. We have only handled this per section. But we already have the design for the whole, "he added.

Currently, according to the Minister of PUPR, value engineering is being carried out because this was done by a consultant so it will be reviewed whether it is correct, including the cost.

"The consultant's first count was Rp.4.4 trillion to build, to repair Bekasi River from upstream to downstream, including building the Narogong Dam. Yes, there is Narogong Dam there, "he continued.

Above it is the Nusa Indah housing estate which is in a basin area, according to Minister Basuki, must be relocated because that is indeed a basin area. "In the past, the area for excavation C was taken, but he said it was made at home. So that's a basin. So this is according to the current Bupati of Bogor, "said the Minister of PUPR.

He admitted that he had asked the Regent to talk / dialogue with the community. "If we want to be relocated, we will build a flat / apartment there so that they can move it to be used for flood control," he said.

Currently, according to the PUPR Minister, there is a distance of about 6 kilometers where the land is ready for work. "We are working with Bogor Regency and Bekasi City for that, okay. "Hopefully, everything will be finished in 2-3 years," he said.