Receive The Director General Of The Ministry Of Home Affairs And The Aceh-North Provincial Government, Menpora Dito Discuss The Development Of The Implementation Of The XXI/2024 PON
JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo, received an audience from the Directorate General (Dirjen) of Regional Finance of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Agus Fatoni, who was present with the Regional Secretary of Aceh Province Bustami and the Head of the North Sumatra Province (Sumut) Baharuddin Siagian in the 10th floor trial room of the Senayan Ministry of Youth and Sports Office, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 29.
In this meeting, a single discussion was held, namely the Readiness of the Venue and the Implementation of the XXI/2024 National Sports Week (PON) in Aceh-North Sumatra. "Thank you for the arrival of all of you at the Ministry of Youth and Sports to follow up on directions and orders from the President regarding the implementation of PON XXI in Aceh and North Sumatra," said Menpora Dito.
Menpora Dito hopes that meetings like this will be carried out more often to carry out careful coordination in the preparation of PON in the two provinces.
"What must now be done is communication quickly and maturely. We both ensure that this continues smoothly and well," said Menpora Dito accompanied by Sesmenpora Gunawan Suswantoro
"In principle, we at the Ministry of Youth and Sports will continue to support and help find ways for some existing shortcomings," added Sesmenpora.
After listening to several presentations from representatives of the two provinces, the Director General of Regional Finance at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Agus Fatoni, said that in principle the Aceh Provincial Government and the North Sumatra Provincial Government were ready to implement the upcoming XXI/2024 PON.
"Both means we conclude later that we will convey like that that the venues are ready, please later Aceh and North Sumatra will be detailed about the venue as our respective reports, later Mas Menpora will also report to the President, we will also report to the Minister of Home Affairs," he said.
"Then we will determine the implementation after the technical guidance is implemented. Later, after this, we must sit back together more often," concluded Agus.
Also attending to accompany the Minister of Youth and Sports Dito, Special Staff for Achievement Improvement and Development of the Ardima Rama Putra Sports Industry, Special Staff for Law and Governance Alvin Saptamandra, Plt. Asdep Olahragawan Andalan Budi Ariyanto Muslim, Dewas BLU LPDUK Ferry Kono.
Also present, Plh. Director of Regional Budget Planning Muhamad Valiandra, Head of Sub-Directorate Region I of the Regional Budget Planning Directorate Fernando H. Siagian, Head of PerKIM Aceh Muhammad Adam, Head of Aceh Bappeda Ahmad Dadek, Plt. Head of BPKA Ramzi, Head of Sports Office of North Sumatra Budi Syahputra and Head of BPKAD, M. Ismail P. Sinaga.