Police Task Force Map Corruption-Prone Areas At Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya
The National Police's Special Task Force (Satgasus) has mapped corruption-prone areas for export-import activities at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, East Java.
Member of the National Police's Corruption Prevention Task Force Yudi Purnomo said the mapping was carried out together with the Directorate of Internal Compliance and the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) of the Ministry of Finance.
"The Corruption Prevention Task Force led by Giri Suprapdiono and members accompany the DJBC Internal Compliance Directorate team to monitor corruption-prone areas, map out the vulnerability of customs violations," Yudi said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 27.
The former KPK investigator said that the activity of strengthening integrity through efforts to detect, prevent and monitor activities at the Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) of the Tanjung Perak Customs, Surabaya, East Java was carried out from September 25 to September 27, 2023.
"The Task Force also helps strengthen self-defense from pressure and intervention from parties that interfere with the integrity of employees in carrying out their duties," said Yudi.
According to him, the National Police has provided a lot of assistance in various ministries in preventing corruption, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of PUPR, and others.
"The National Police is committed to fully supporting the government's program with efforts to prevent corruption," he said.
Head of the Corruption Prevention Task Force Team, Giri Suprapdiono, said that this activity at Tanjung Perak is a form of follow-up to strategic cooperation between the Police and the Ministry of Finance.
This collaboration was emphasized in the statement by the National Police Chief and the Minister of Finance at the National Seminar on the Prevention of Corruption in Export and Import Services and Management on September 14, 2023, that the National Police and the Ministry of Finance will fully maintain the integrity of import exports so that Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) increases, increases state revenue, maintains the sovereignty of the country's competitive economy so that Indonesia becomes a developed country that is respected by the world.
This, he said, was in line with efforts to accelerate the sustainable Customs and Excise Reform Program (PRKC) launched by the Director General of Customs and Excise.
Giri explained that the Corruption Prevention Task Force appreciated the positive progress of improvement steps in order to prevent corruption that had been committed by the Ministry of Finance, through Itjen and DJBC.
"The Corruption Prevention Task Force and the Ministry of Finance will expand and strengthen assistance in similar activities in other ports in Indonesia," said Giri.