Menpora Dito Hopes Team Fast Chess Tournament Held By KONTAN Becomes A Sustainable Program

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo attended a team-fast chess tournament held by the KonTAN media in South Quarter, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 8. It is hoped that this tournament, entitled KONTAN Chess, can become a sustainable program.

"High appreciation for the KonTAN media as the organizer of this chess tournament. Hopefully this can be a sustainable program," said Menpora Dito.

Menpora Dito wants this chess tournament to have more participants and also as a talent search for athletes in the field of chess. Currently, the competition which was held in one day was attended by 16 teams from a number of companies and industries as well as government agencies.

"Later, I hope KONTAN Chess can be even more massive and large. It can also be used as a talent scouting for chess athletes and talent development events," said Menpora Dito.

Furthermore, Menpora Dito said chess is very closely related to community life. Coupled with the implementation of strategy. So there is a term when playing chess before stepping up, the player must think for the next steps," he added.

In addition, Menpora Dito also hopes that chess must continue to be echoed again. Can be introduced to younger generations. So that later you can become an athlete in the future.

"For example, schools must be encouraged again. Great talents will definitely emerge in the field of chess. Because chess hones skills and ways of thinking," explained Menpora Dito.

Menpora Dito also asked the participants who competed to play sportively. In addition, this tournament is also a gathering place for all of us.

We support this point for chess. If possible, it will be held at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the future. Then also later for the next, the participants will be added, both from the community and so on. During the match and the spirit continues," concluded Menpora Dito.

Previously, this chess championship began with a simultaneous chess match as a symbolic opening ceremony. The tournament is fighting for a total prize of IDR 33.5 million and a rotating trophy