Know The Cause Of The Motorcycle Exhaust Throwing Smoke, Immediately Fix It!

YOGYAKARTA - Motorcycle exhausts that emit or emit white smoke are a sign that there are problems with vehicles. In the 2-motor combustion system, not, the release of white smoke is normal. However, if this condition occurs in a 4-stroke or automatic motorbike, then there is a problem in the engine. So what causes the exhaust of the motorbike to blow up?

The emergence of smoke in the exhaust of the motorbike not only disturbs the owner of the vehicle, but also makes the people around it uncomfortable. If this condition is allowed to drag on, it can cause more severe damage to the motorcycle. To overcome and prevent these problems, every motorcycle owner needs to know the cause of the motorcycle exhaust.

If your motorcycle exhaust emits smoke, then you need to immediately find out the problem and solve it. Don't let these conditions happen until the damage to the motorcycle gets worse, causing you to spend a lot of money for repair costs.

The output of smoke in the exhaust can be caused by the following factors:

Seal valves play a role in regulating airflow into the combustion chamber inside the engine. If the valve seal is hardened, it can lead to air leakage. Conditions lead to oil entry into the manifold.

Seal valves can leak due to the long use of motorcycles. Over time, the valve seal will experience a drop in tightness. To solve this problem, you will need to replace the broken valve seal with the new one.

Along with the use of motorbikes, the combustion room has been degraded and deposited. In the end, conditions can cause the burning room to become hoarse and weathered, so as to remove smoke from the exhaust.

The buildup of the crust in the combustion chamber was due to a lack of maintenance and use of fuel that was not suitable for vehicles. Unsuitable selection of fuel resulted in the burning running imperfectly, thus forming a crust inside the engine.

The aus piston ring can result in the entry of the oil into the combustion chamber. One function of the piston ring is to prevent the oil from entering the combustion room. If the piston ring is Aus, there will be a gap in the motor engine system. The oil can also seep into the combustion room.

Oli mixed with fuel in the combustion chamber will produce thick white smoke coming out of the exhaust. The way to solve the aus ring piston problem is to replace it and need to dismantle the engine first.

The condition of the aus in the cylinder or engine liner can also cause the oil to enter the combustion room. This will also cause the exhaust to burst or emit white smoke.

The solution to solve the engine aus liner problem is to bore up or bubut cylinders. The process of cleaning or repairing this linear must be done by a mechanical or automotive expert and requires the process of going down.

Oli yang digunakan untuk mesin motor harus memenuhi standar tingkat keceran berdasarkan rekomendasi SAE. Oli yang terlalu cair kemungkinan disebabkan karena oli jarang atau tidak pernah diganti. Akibatnya oli menjadi dirty atau bahkan kehabis, sehingga tidak ada lubricant pada mesin saat proses pembakaran.

The condition of the dilute engine oil will cause the exhaust to burst. To solve this problem, you have to replace the engine oil with a new one. So make sure you do oil replacement regularly, every 2 months or after traveling about 1500 km.

Excessive tune-up on a motorbike can also be the cause of the exhaust. This condition occurs because the settings are not in accordance with the engine, so the engine performance becomes heavy.

Inappropriate tune-up will cause the combustion process to become unstable, so the engine gets hotter. Motorcycles will emit puffs of smoke when used. To solve this problem, you need to restore machine settings to the appropriate performance standards.

That's the review of the cause of the motor exhaust lifting or emitting smoke. If a puff of smoke appears from your motorbike exhaust, then you should immediately find out the cause or take it to the repair shop for repair.

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