Menpora Dito Supports Indonesian Cheerleading Team At World Championship 2023 Japan

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo received the Indonesian Federation of Cheerleadings (FCSI) at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Jakarta, Thursday, August 10. FCSI's presence was to report that the Indonesian peerleading team would participate in the World Championship in Takasaki, Japan.

Secretary General of FCSI Ardiyansyah Djafar said the 11th world championship will take place on 23-26 November 2023. The Red and White team is targeting to bring home medals from the event.

"Currently FCSI is preparing a team to participate in the World Champhionship in Japan. We are targeting to bring medals," he said.

Ardiyansyah said that in 2017 and 2019, they had successfully won silver and bronze medals. Therefore, in this year's championship he targets FCSI to be able to achieve success and win medals.

"Hopefully later the athletes who compete can get medals, because we want to maintain the tradition to be able to bring medals. We really hope for support from the Minister of Youth and Sports," he explained.

In addition, Ardiyansyah explained that his party will hold an Extraordinary National Conference or National Conference in September. One of the agendas is to find a new general chairman.

"In the future, we will continue to provide tiered coaching from an early age and pursue achievements," he explained.

Menpora Dito enthusiastically heard a report from the Secretary General of FCSI Ardiyansyah Djafar. It is hoped that Indonesian athletes who are fighting in the Cheerleading World Championship will be able to achieve successful achievements.

"Yes, this is good, it will be coordinated later. Then for very good coaching, especially from an early age, it has to be very potential. Try when Haornas (September 9) later hopefully he can be involved," concluded Menpora Dito.