Menpora Dito: OIC Visit Becomes The Spirit Of Youth Development Of International Diplomacy

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora RI) Dito Ariotedjo assessed that the visit of the Secretary General of the Organization Islamic Cooperation (OIC) HE Hissein Brahim Taha to the Ministry of Youth and Sports was the trigger and enthusiasm of Indonesian youth to develop international diplomacy.

"We have just hosted the visit of the Secretary General of OIC Hissein Brahim Taha and the group that has just been received by President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi," said Menpora Dito during a press conference in the lobby of the Graha Building. Ministry of Youth and Sports Office, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday 8 August.

According to Menpora Dito, the visit was a trigger for the enthusiasm of young Indonesians to open and develop diplomacy in the world.

"What is certain is that this OIC visit is an honor and pride for us internally at the Ministry of Youth and Sports and makes us and the nation's youth excited in the future to open wider youth diplomacy in the international arena," continued the Menpora.

The visit of the Secretary General of OIC and his staff continued Menpora Dito, also to give appreciation for the success of Indonesia as the host of OIC-CA some time ago.

"His visit to the Ministry of Youth and Sports is to give his appreciation because Indonesia is considered to have succeeded in organizing the OIC-CA. Which was attended by 57 participating countries, the majority of which were Muslim and Kemenpora were the lead hosts," explained Menpora Dito.

Menpora Dito said with appreciation from the OIC that the Ministry of Youth and Sports opened collaboration with other OIC member countries, especially in the field of youth.

"So his visit is to appreciate and we also strengthen the Ministry of Youth and Sports's commitment to participate in supporting and collaborating in the future, especially regarding youth cooperation programs which will later be with 57 other OIC Islamic countries," he explained.

"In addition, the meeting with President Jokowi also discussed issues about his Rohing, Palestine, Islamophobia is also our main focus as young people who contribute to encouraging all to be more conducive," concluded Menpora Dito.