Kemenkop UKM Ensures That The Cooperative Bill Will Be Discussed By The DPR In October

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) has confirmed that the Presidential Letter (Surpres) to the leadership of the DPR RI regarding the discussion of the Draft Bill on the Third Amendment to Law Number 25 of 1992 concerning Cooperatives will begin to be discussed in October.

"The status is that it is cumulative open, so it is not included in the Prolegnas. Whenever the government is ready, it can be sent directly to the DPR. Thank God, the Surpres has gone down and has been submitted to the DPR last week. It is certain that starting October 2023 the discussion will be held," said Deputy for Cooperatives at the Coordinating Ministry for SMEs Ahmad Zabadi in a written statement in Jakarta, on Tuesday, September 26.

Zabadi said the government is targeting that the discussion and ratification of the bill can be carried out by the end of 2023, where the status of this law is the third amendment to Law Number 25 of 1992.

"We need to convey this to the public, especially the cooperative movement that the Cooperative Bill was prepared initially to replace the old law with a new law," he said.

He said that there was an aspiration for the cooperative movement to obtain regulatory reform, and the provisions of Article 97A of Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of Legislation, in which Law Number 25 of 1992 has been amended twice through two omnibus law. law.

The first is the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Law (PPSK) and the second is the Job Creation Law. So that according to the provisions, the Cooperative Bill on its status is the third amendment to Law Number 25 of 1992.

Even so, various subtants that have been socialized in absorbing aspirations (meaningfull participation) to stakeholders and the public from 2022 to 2023 have not changed.

"What has changed is only the systematics, from the beginning the Cooperative Bill which is changed to a change to the Cooperative Law," said Zabadi.

According to Zabadi, the amendment to this law is very urgent and needed by the community, according to the President's letter to the leadership of the DPR RI which states that it is a top priority to be discussed and obtain approval.

"The challenges of the times, the dynamics of the field, and the needs of the community need to be answered as soon as possible by updating regulations, so that the community in general and the cooperative movement in particular have good regulatory carrying capacity," he said.

Furthermore, Zabadi hopes that the Cooperative Bill can become a legal basis for realizing the principle of kinship and the spirit of mutual cooperation in building a national economy that grows stable in a sustainable and just manner.

"Economic justice will be the main issue of government policy in the future. Cooperatives are the main vehicle to realize national goals in the economic sector, namely a just and prosperous society," he concluded.