Two Motorcycle Members Who Ganged Up Youths On The Street Of Medan Arrested, This Is The Look

MEDAN - Medan Police's Criminal Investigation Unit personnel arrested two motorcycle gang members who beat their victims who went viral on social media (social media).

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Police, Police Commissioner Martuasah Tobing, said the two motorcycle gang members who were secured, namely RS (16), a resident of Jalan Kemuning Blok V and CMT (16), a resident of Jalan Cempaka VII Blok XV Perumnas Helvetia Medan.

The two motorcycle gang members were arrested around the Perumnas Helvetia Medan area.

The results of the investigations by the officers showed that the CMT suspect admitted to beating the victim's left hand twice.

"In addition, the CMT suspect also kicked the victim's body twice, and damaged the victim's motorcycle using a piece of wood," he said.

Martuasah said the suspect RS stopped the victim's motorbike and asked his friends to beat the victim.

In fact, the suspect RS hit the victim's left hand twice.

From the two suspects, the police secured evidence in the form of a piece of wood and a video showing the incident of the suspect's abuse of the victim.

"The two teenage motorcycle gang members who caused the residents' anxiety were taken to the Medan Police for legal proceedings," said Police Commissioner Martuasah.