Still Randah, Percentage Of Workers In Central Sulawesi Participating In New Social Security 24.22 Percent

JAKARTA - The Manpower Social Security Administration (BP Jamsostek) noted that the percentage of workers in Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi) Province who are protected by the membership program is only 24.22 percent.

"Active participation as of December 31, 2021, namely 231,145 participants who are workers in 6,752 active companies or as a percentage of 24.22 percent of the total workforce in Central Sulawesi, there are 946,261 people," said Head of BP Jamsostek Palu Branch, Raden Harry Agung in Palu City. Between, Sunday, 7 February.

They, said Harry, work in three sectors, namely the formal, informal and construction service sectors. There are several reasons why there are still many workers in Central Sulawesi who are not yet protected from participating.

"First, the community's own low knowledge of the importance of protecting ourselves by participating in BP Jamsostek. This is a challenge for us to always conduct socialization," he said.

Second, he continued, there are also companies that are still reluctant to register their workforce in BP Jamsostek membership

In addition, there are also workers who are reluctant to register as Jamsostek participants.

"To overcome this, we are currently collaborating with local governments, both from the manpower and transmigration offices as well as from the prosecutor's office," he added.

BP Jamsostek has paid claims to participants who have experienced Central Sulawesi work risk of IDR 178.3 billion throughout 2020.

The claims are paid to 19,212 participants, both participants who work in the formal, non-formal and construction service sectors who participate in a number of social security programs such as Old Age Security (JHT), Work Accident Security (JKK), Death Security (JKM) and Pension Security. (JP).