14 Days Of Operation Zebra Semeru, Situbondo Police Record Most Traffic Violations Not Wearing Helmets

SITUBONDO - The Traffic Unit (Satlantas) of the Situbondo Police, East Java, noted that traffic violations did not use helmets dominated during the implementation of the Semeru 2023 Zebra Operation which lasted for 14 days.Head of the Situbondo Police Traffic Unit, AKP Suwarno, said that two-wheeled riders who did not wear helmets were given a warning by officers using the Precision application."Violations not wearing helmets do dominate, so we are given a warning through the application. If later commits a similar violation, firm action will be taken or a ticket will be taken," said AKP Suwarno in Situbondo, East Java, Antara, Sunday, September 24.He emphasized that if you repeat the violation, you will definitely be given a penalty by ticketing and a fairly large fine of IDR 250,000, both manual and electronic ticketing."Instead of paying fines, it is better for us to wear a helmet. Our people invite traffic order and wear helmets for our own safety as road users," said AKPP Suwarno.According to him, the second dominant violation was that many two-wheeled and four-wheeled riders did not have a driving license (SIM), even though the socialization of SIM had been carried out massively through schools, communities, pesantren, and the media."This helm and driver's license are priority indicators for potential accidents. This includes seat belts, driving under the influence of alcohol, out of bounds, going against the flow, and using a cellphone while driving," said AKP Suwarno.Head of Traffic Unit of the Situbondo Police, AKP Suwarno, appealed to the public to drive in an orderly manner by complying with traffic signs, especially preparing driving equipment, especially SIM and STNK to be comfortable and safe when driving."We are doing this effort to prevent fatality of accidents on the highway," he said.AKP Suwarno added that the action taken by Satlantas officers in Operation Zebra Semeru 2023 used two methods, namely manual ticketing and through the Electronic Traffic Low Enforcement or ETLE application, using an active camera for 24 hours to record traffic violations on the road.
"Our notes during the 2023 Semeru Zebra Operation took place, 2.881 manual ticketing and 390 ETLE Mobile, 14,734 violations were reprimanded (the average of not wearing helmets)," said AKP Suwarno.