High Rain Intensity, Semarang City Surrounded By Floods And Landslides

JAKARTA - A number of areas in the city of Semarang, Central Java have been hit by floods and landslides due to heavy rain. The Central Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded at least 12 flood points and 7 landslides that hit Semarang City.

"The high rainfall in Semarang City and high water levels in the West Flood Canal have caused floods and landslides in several locations," wrote a statement from the Central Java Regional Emergency Operations Center for BPBD, Saturday, February 6.

The locations affected by the flood with a height of 10-30 cm are Jalan Jendral Urip Sumoharjo, Mangkang Wetan; Jalan Imam Bonjol, Dadapsari Village; Kaligawe Village; Kalisasak Field Street Number 9, Mangkang Wetan Village; Bubakan Park on Jalan MT. Haryono; and Semarang City Simpang Lima Area.

In addition, the flood also hit Jalan Pandanaran, Jalan Pemuda, Jalan Gajahmada, and Jalan Ahmad Yani.

Furthermore, floods still hit Madukoro Street, West Semarang District with a water level of 10-60 cm; Madukoro Simpang Street; Yos Sudarso Street; Jalan Semarang Indah to Ahmad Yani Airport; railroad tracks at Kali Bringin, Jalan Mangkang; Jalan Kuda, Kelurahan Wonosari as high as 10-150 centimeters; and Semarang Tawang Station.

Meanwhile, landslides in the form of talud landslides occurred at Lempongsari RT. 01 RW 06, Gajahmungkur District and RT07 RW 01, Jalan Sriwidodo Utara, Ngaliyan. While landslides occurred in Gang Poros RW 1 Tambak aji RT 8; landslide at Gang Poros RT08, 09 RW 01; Jalan Cinde Raya Barat RT05 RW 05 Jomblang Village; and Jalan Sriwidodo Utara, Ngaliyan.

He explained, Central Java BPBD is currently sweeping the location of the flood to collect data. In addition, the evacuation process and the cleaning of landslide materials with local residents have also been carried out.

Not only that, public kitchens have also been opened for affected communities and coordination with the Semarang City BPBD has been carried out.