6 Ways To Express Your Feelings Of Love To Your Crush

JAKARTA - Expressing feelings is not an easy thing to do because it requires courage and a willingness to accept the risks that will occur.

However, there are several ways you can express your feelings for your crush to help you determine the right next step.

Always be honest

Honesty should be your first love signal for him. In a relationship, honesty is an important component that all crushes must have. So, stop being someone else when you're with him.

Be honest in your attitude and words when you're with your crush. Guaranteed, he will definitely catch the love signal and then reveal his feelings to you.

Show interest in the things he likes

You don't have to like the things he likes, but you can ask him about his hobbies or interests. By doing so, he will feel cared for and you will be interested to find out more. Not only that, once in a while you can also make your interest a chat at another time.

Give support

The way to express love to your crush is to give support. Whether he's happy or sad, you should always be supportive. Also, try to always be there for him.

By acting like that, it can be a sign for him that you pay attention to him. If he appreciates your feelings, he will be sure to express his feelings immediately.

Be open

It is not easy to be open to someone because it involves trust. However, you can share personal experiences or talk about a desired future.

He will feel lucky to have had the opportunity and will do the same by sharing his background.

Bring his favorite food

You can also melt his heart through the food you bring for him. You can cook something he likes and make it especially for him.

Change the way you think

Sometimes, the hardest part of getting to know someone feelings is due to worrying too much about what response they will receive or not wanting to reveal it first.

Remember that you also have a positive likelihood of being accepted by him. Who knows, he also has interests, but is convincing himself to reveal. However, if he refuses, know that you are still valuable.