DKI Deputy Governor: Pak Prabowo's Relationship With Anies Is Good, There Is No Problem

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria confirmed that the relationship between DKI Governor Anies Baswedan and Ketum Gerindra Prabowo Subianto is fine.

"The relationship is good, no problem. Pak Prabowo and all, with Pak Anies and Pak Sandi and the others are good, ”Riza Patria told reporters, Friday, February 5.

Riza Patria, who is the chairman of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra DPD, said Prabowo Subianto had not yet summoned Anies. Gerindra is known to be one of the political parties that supported Anies Baswedan in the 2017 DKI Pilgub.

"The meetings between the leaders are normal, OK? So I don't think there is a problem, ”he said in response to a question about whether or not Prabowo had a meeting plan with Anies Baswedan.

Previously, there was a 'high' tension when the chairman of the East Jakarta Gerindra DPC, Ali Lubis criticized Anies Baswedan regarding the handling of COVID-19.

"If you are unable to, you should just resign from the position of governor. It's simple, right," wrote Ali Lubis via his Twitter account.

But Gerindra officials immediately put up a shield for Anies. Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that he did not agree with Ali's criticism.

According to Riza, all handling of COVID-19 carried out by Anies in the capital city during the pandemic has been running optimally. Moreover, Jakarta is a center of interaction and community mobility.

"What Pak Anies is doing as the Governor regarding the handling of COVID-19 has been extraordinary. Jakarta is extraordinary against the strong spread of the virus in Indonesia," said Riza.