Bekasi Regency Government Threatens Crime Of CBL River Waste Disposal

CIKARANG - The Bekasi Regency Government, West Java, has threatened to criminalize garbage disposal in Bantaran Kali Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL) South Tambun District considering that the land does not have a permit as an official garbage dump.

"We have received this report, officers in the field are investigating who is the actor behind this garbage disposal," said Khaerul Hamid, Head of the Sanitation Division at the Bekasi Environment Agency, Khaerul Hamid in Cikarang, as quoted by Antara, Friday, February 5.

Hamid said the one kilometer pile of rubbish was on land belonging to Perum Jasa Tirta II. Because of that, his party will coordinate to clean up the garbage.

"We plan to have a meeting with various agencies regarding this case, because there are allegations that various parties deliberately made the location a garbage dump," he said.

The local government is also preparing special personnel and fleets to transport waste at that location, given the large volume of waste, so it takes a relatively long time to move it to TPA Burangkeng, Setu District.

Meanwhile, Head of the Bekasi Regency Environment Agency, Peno Suyatno, emphasized that the local government would not compromise with anyone who littered.

"We are currently preparing legal steps together with the police and the Bekasi regency Satpol PP. I will carry out the process so there is a deterrent effect," he said.

The garbage disposer in the CBL Riverbank, he said, is threatened by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2008 Chapter X Article 29 point 1 letter e concerning waste management which states that everyone is prohibited from disposing of waste in an unsuitable place.

Then the West Java Provincial Regulation Number 12 of 2012 concerning waste management in West Java Chapter XI Article 49 point 1 letter b which reads that everyone is prohibited from throwing garbage into environmental media or not in the place that has been determined or provided.

As well as Bekasi Regency Regional Regulation Number 04 of 2012 concerning public order Chapter V Article 20 letter b which reads that every person or legal entity is prohibited from throwing garbage on roads, green lanes, parks, rivers, and other places that can damage beauty and cleanliness. environment.

"Whoever violates or disposes of garbage or waste will be subject to a six-month prison sentence or a fine of fifty million rupiahs," he said.

Peno admitted that based on the results of reports and investigations by officers in the field, the garbage dumpers in the CBL Bantaran Kali Jalan Raya CBL, Sumberjaya Village, South Tambun District, came from a number of parties and had happened for a long time.

"Next week we will act, now we are still coordinating with various parties so that the prosecution is legally strong," he said.