JCI Dropped More, Tuesday Afternoon Closed At 5,787.14 Levels
JAKARTA - The Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG) has sunk in red to around 5,700 levels. JCI on Tuesday, February 25, closed down 0.34 percent or 19.91 points to 5,787.14 levels.
A total of 164 stocks rose, but 238 stocks pushed JCI to fall. Meanwhile, there were 140 stocks that did not move. The trading volume was recorded at 5.49 billion shares with a total transaction of IDR 5.47 trillion.
Binaartha Sekuritas analyst M. Nafan Aji Gustama said, the aggressive spread of COVID-19 still seems to have a systemic impact on the market in line with the sharp increase in virus infections that have occurred in South Korea, Italy and Iran.
"On the other hand, the development of domestic macroeconomic data is still of minimal positive high market impact, and the political dynamics in Malaysia have also put pressure on the index on a regional scale," Nafan told VOI.
This afternoon, stocks that are moving in the ranks of top gainers, including PT Trinitan Metals and Minerals Tbk (PURE) which rose 29.58 percent to Rp184, PT Sky Energy Indonesia Tbk (JSKY) which rose 18.46 percent to Rp154, and PT Wilton Makmur Indonesia Tbk (SQMI) which strengthened 11.11 percent to Rp300.
Those in the top losers ranks, including PT Agro Yasa Lestari Tbk (AYLS) which fell 31.00 percent to Rp69, PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk (PSAB) which fell 6.52 percent to Rp258, and PT Kalbe Farma Tbk (KLBF) which fell 4.43 percent to Rp1,295.