Lampung Police Receives Relatives Report On T-shirts Wearing In Headless Bodies, Allegedly Victims Of Marine Accidents

BANDAR LAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police (Polda) received 27 reports via hotline regarding the four headless bodies found in South Lampung and Tanggamus Regencies, some time ago.

"Of the 27 reports, three people came directly to Bob Bazar Hospital, South Lampung to confirm that the body was a member of his family," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Umi Fadilah, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 19.

Dalam hotline tersebut juga terdapat Ibu Juni asal Indramayu yang mengatakan ada saudaranya yang hilang sekitar sebulan dengan menggunakan T-shirt yang dikenakan salah satu jadi seperti yang terlihat di media massa.

"There was a resident, June, who came from Indramayu, West Java, who contacted the South Lampung Police Hotline WhatsApp. Bu Juni said that a relative had been missing due to a sea accident and had not been found," he said.

June's mother also provided evidence of the same t-shirt as the one worn when one of the bodies was found.

"After the report, the South Lampung Police followed up with Mr. Kayim connected, who was one of the parents of the missing crew. Pak Kayim explained that his two children were crew members of the ship on behalf of Kasi (35) and Tarsoni (25) about a month ago along with 10 other fishermen," he said.

Responding to the information obtained from Mr. Kayim, he said again, the Lampung Regional Police had coordinated with the West Java Regional Police, Polda Metro Jaya, and several regional police in the Sumatra region.

"From the results of the coordination, information was obtained from the Ditpolairud Polda Metro Jaya that on August 21, 2023, there had been a sea accident in the waters of the Java Sea. Of the 12 crew, 3 people survived and 9 people were missing," he said.

He said three people who survived the ship accident only reported on August 27, 2023 to the Ditpolairud Polda Metro Jaya.

"The ship that had an accident was a fishing boat Bintang Mutiara Jaya in the waters around Cirebon, West Java, which was looking for squid," he also said.

Starting from Mr. Kayim's statement, the Lampung Police coordinated with the Indramayu Police to help find the whereabouts of the families of the 9 missing people.

"The Lampung Police Biddokes DVI team is ready to do a DNA test on the family," he said.

The Lampung Regional Police previously found four bodies, two in Tanggamus Regency and two in South Lampung Regency.

The four bodies had no heads, palms and feet. The Lampung Police have also submitted an autopsy application at Bob Bazar Kalida Hospital and Bhayangkara Police Hospital Lampung.