BNN Bali Fails To Smuggle 5.4 Kg Of Cannabis In Used Clothes

DENPASAR - Bali Province National Narcotics Agency (BNN) officers, arrested the Medan-Bali drug network that smuggled 5.4 kilograms of marijuana.

Two people were arrested with the initials AI and MF at two locations in Denpasar. A total of five packages of marijuana weighing 5.4 kg were confiscated as evidence.

"The marijuana network operating in Bali in this case involves suspects AI and MF who are narcotics recidivists who act as dealers," said Head of BNN Bali Province, Brigadier General R. Nurhadi Yuwono, Monday, September 18.

This network uses a package mode sent which is disguised in used clothing.

This case was revealed from information about the cannabis package from Medan which was sent to Bali. When traced, officers secured two people.

From the statement of the suspect Al, he admitted that he was ordered by a controller in Medan to hand over the package to MF, who was finally arrested by officers in the area of Jalan Gunung Soputan, West Denpasar, Denpasar City.

"Currently, the two suspects are being detained at the Bali BNNP Office for further investigation in the context of developing cases and other narcotics networks involved. Furthermore, evidence was confiscated related to narcotics crimes," he said.