Hoaks, All Factions Agree To Remove Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - A Facebook account named Farida Noor shares an upload in a group called "Jokowi is the best", accompanied by a link to the YouTube account "SKEMA POLITIK".

The upload was intended to inform the public that the DKI Jakarta DPRD faction agreed to remove Anies Baswedan.

He also provided a link to a video which reads' All factions agree to remove Anies, Jokowi gives his blessing !? - Latest News' duration 11 minutes 40 seconds. In the thumbnail in the video, Gerindra finally turned back all the factions to agree to remove Anies.

Capture screen from Turnbackhoax website

After the Turnbackhoax.id research was carried out, the video did not mention that all factions agreed to remove Anies.

The first minutes until 00:06:16 contain footage broadcasts of President Jokowi and the cabinet meeting to urge all staff to not be careless in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.

In several clips, President Jokowi will impose strict sanctions for Ministers, Officials and Bureaucrats who are not serious in dealing with the pandemic.

After that, the narrative at the minutes 00:06:27 to 00:09:16, was found to be exactly the same in a news article from neutralnews.com entitled "Splashy, Gerindra DPC asks Governor Anies to resign, AA: supporters are now aware that they are not qualified" .

Then the narrative at 00:09:17 until the end was found to be exactly the same in a news article from rmoldkijakarta.id entitled "Asking Anies to Resign, Pemuda DKI Jakarta Urges the Chairman of DPC Gerindra East Jakarta to be fired".

Even so, in the two articles, there was absolutely no mention that all factions agreed to remove Anies.

The narrative was expressed about the chairman of the East Jakarta Gerindra Branch Leadership Council (DPC) Ali Lubis who asked Governor Anies Baswedan to resign.

This is because he thinks that the Governor of DKI Jakarta is unable to control the spread of Covid-19 in Jakarta.

Reporting from kompas.com, the tweet about Anies's removal came from Ali Lubis' Twitter account,

"Anies Baswedan gave up fighting COVID-19? If that is the case, then you should just resign from the position of Governor ”.

The tweet then caused chaos within the Gerindra Party as the party that carried Anies Baswedan in the last Jakarta Pilgub.

Based on the data collected, it can be concluded that the claim of Farida Noor's account is hoax and is included in the Misleading Content category.