Full Testimony Of Ahmad Aulia, Suspected Terrorist Who Mentioned Munarman's Name Of Islamic Defenders Front During The Pledge

JAKARTA - The testimony of a member of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and a suspected terrorist named Ahmad Aulia went viral on social media. The video, which was uploaded by @sahaL_AS Twitter account, Thursday, February 4, clearly mentions the name of the Islamic Defenders Front's 'frontman', Munarman.

Head of South Sulawesi Regional Police Public Relations Chief Commissioner of Police E. Zulfan, when confirmed, could not provide much information. Because handling terrorism cases is under the authority of Densus 88 Anti-terror.

"Please go to the Densus regarding this matter, because that is the material for the investigation", he said.

How was Ahmad Aulia's testimony uploaded by the young Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) intellectual? Here's the complete list!

I was born in Makassar, March 10, 1991. I was arrested on January 6, 2021 at the South Sulawesi Regional Police.

I was detained or arrested at the South Sulawesi Regional Police because I had ties to Dauratul Islam. The leader of Dauratul Islam was Abu Bakr during the Islamic Defenders Front's declaration of support for Dauratul Islam in January 2015.

I took my pledge at that time with 100 sympathizers of the Islamic Defenders Front and troops at the headquarters in Makassar, Jalan Sungai Limboto, Makassar.

My allegiance was attended by Munarman as the Central Islamic Defenders Front committee at that time. Ustad Fauzan and Ustad Basri led the Baiat at that time. And after the pledge, I took part in the Front's routine 3 times, taklim Jalan Sungai Lomboto.

"Those who participated at the event that time were Ustad Agus and Abdurahman as the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front commander in Makassar".