President Jokowi Reminds The Importance Of Choosing Leaders In Three Leadership Periods

BOGOR - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded the Indonesian people to be careful in choosing leaders in future national leadership in order to bring prosperity for the next three periods. "And these three future national leadership periods are very decisive in the first 2024, in the second 2029, in 2034 this is very decisive," said President Jokowi when giving a speech at the National Rembug event of the Red and White Solidarity Volunteer Group (SoLMet) in Bogor City, West Java, Saturday, September 16. President said, as the General Chair of the Sulfester Matina said that Latin American countries that had been since 1950 to 1970 became developing countries. But, said Jokowi, until now, for 60 to 70 years are still developing countries, because when there is an opportunity to jump, we do not work hard to produce leaps. "And we want to be trapped in what IMF patients," he said. President Jokowi also invites the Indonesian people to be grateful for the current state that has successfully gone through the COVID-19 pandemic well in the midst of a crisis that has hit countries globally. "This is what we must be grateful for because going out after the COVID crisis is not easy. Food prices are rising, rising energy prices in all countries are rising, bank interest in all countries are rising," said the president. Jokowi said that what will be faced by the future national leadership is something that is not easy.

"Therefore, I would like to convey carefully in the 2024 leadership that regarding 273 million of our people, in 17,000 islands they live in," he said.